Page 124 of Wild Collision (Us 4)

“That reminds me,” he begins, “I heard a place near you was broken into, nothing was taken, but I’m sending people to install security Friday. I’m going to need your key or if there’s somewhere you can leave it for them?”

“Yeah, I can let the landlord know and he’ll let them in. A place was really broken into?” I ask, worried.

He nods, munching on a steak fry. “It was a couple blocks from you, but I heard about it and I want to be sure you’re safe.”

“Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it.” I’m not going to argue with extra security. There’s only one lone camera at the entrance and I’m not entirely sure it’s actually recording.

It’s something I’ve considered adding on my own once I had the money to spare and I know it’ll make me feel more at peace.

Changing the subject, I say to the guys, “You guys sounded amazing.”

“You think?” Fox asks with a grin.


“This album is going to be fire!” Rush screams before leaning over and sticking his tongue in Kira’s ear.

She shrieks. “Rush! You heathen!” She pushes at him.

He slings his arm over her shoulder. “You love it.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”

We finish eating and I clean up the trash.

The guys head back into the recording booth and I pull up a chair beside my dad, helping him with the fine tuning.

He still hasn’t let me help much on the producing end, but I know it’s not because he doesn’t trust me. This is his first band and he wants things to go smoothly, so as much as I want to help I know not to push my luck and make him feel guilty.

Hollis steps up to the microphone and when my dad is ready he points his finger for them to start.

When Hollis starts singing, like always, I’m mesmerized. I could listen and watch him sing for hours and never grow bored. He doesn’t only sing the music, he feels it in every fiber of his being. He feels it so passionately you can’t help but be affected by it.

One day he’s going to be on a stage, surrounded by thousands, spreading this feeling like a wave through them. The thought makes me shiver. I also feel slightly jealous. Don’t get me wrong, I want to see him succeed, to see his dreams realized, but it also scares me what it might do to us. But if my mom and dad could make it work then surely we can too. I believe we’re worth fighting for.

“You sure this is what you want to do for the rest of your life?” My dad asks.

“Yes,” I answer without hesitation.

It takes me a moment to realize he’s asking if I want to do this as a job. All I can think about is how I want Hollis for the rest of my life.



“Fuck, you look hot,” I groan when Mia opens the door. “Forget going out. We’re staying in.”

She laughs, stepping outside. “It’s Friday night, and you promised me a real date even though I said I didn’t need fancy. Now, here I am dressed up, hair done, makeup on—that means we’re going out.”

“I don’t know why I don’t listen to you,” I complain.

She passes me and starts down the stairs. I can’t see the way her dress hugs her ass since her winter coat hangs down long enough to hide it, but I know it’s got to be glued to her curvy body. Tonight might kill me. I want nothing more than to grab her, drag her back inside, and show her exactly how much I love her.

“One day you’ll figure out I’m always right,” she sing-songs looking at me coyly over her shoulder.

“Fucking vixen,” I whisper under my breath, trudging after her.

I lead her outside to Cannon’s car and open the passenger door for her.