“I think I’m trying not to cry,” I answer.

“It’s alright if you want to cry. Though, I feel obligated to remind you that you’re literally just a short train ride away from Brett and the guys here. You can visit them and have lunch with them, like, every day if you wanted.”

“I know,” I mumble miserably, my face buried in his neck.

Alan pulls away and looks at me. “Connor …”

“I know, I know. It’s just …” I gesture at my empty shoebox of a room. I can still remember that first moment I stepped in here, that first night I moved in, that night they took me out to all the clubs and showed me around. “It won’t be the same.”

“I’ve never seen you like this. You’re usually so cheery.” He gives my shoulder a squeeze, worried.

I peer back at the refrigerator in the kitchen outside my room, the door of it covered in boob and dick magnets. I remember wondering what those were. I remember Brett excitedly showing me everything in his fridge, the look of happiness that burst on his face when we first met, the way he just brought me right into his little family of friends here at Piazza Place. “I’ll get cheery,” I promise him, despite the heavy stone sitting in my stomach. “I’ll feel better. I’ll …” I’ll never feel better. I want to bring everything about this place with me somehow. I’m so scared of moving on with my life. “I just need to—”

“Look at me.”

The command doesn’t come from Alan. The pair of us come out of my room to find Brett, my awesome, great, perfect, spectacular, best-bro-a-bro-could-ever-ask-for roommate, standing there.

And there is something … peculiar about him.

What is it?

Oh. That’s it. He doesn’t look devastated.

“Sorry, bro. Couldn’t help but overhear.” He spreads his hands. “Look at me. I’m not broken up, am I? I’m not sad. Everyone thought I’d be a mess today. Even you thought I couldn’t handle the news when you told me just a month ago that you were finally saying goodbye to this place. I was sad back then when you told me. I’m not sad anymore. You know why?” He comes up to us and slaps a hand onto Alan’s shoulder, surprising him. “Because this sexy motherfucker right here has got you. You’re not gonna be alone. You’ll never be alone. You got us. And y’know what? I’ve got you, too. Any night my crazy ass needs someone to vent to, I’m gonna call you at three in the damned morning. If Skylar and I throw a party here, your ass will be invited. You might be moving out of my place, but you’ll never move out of my heart, bro.” He spreads his arms and wraps both Alan and I right up in them, squeezing us tightly. “I love you, man. See how in control I am of my emotions? I love you.”

He repairs me and fills up my heart with those words. I’m grinning now despite myself, and I feel so light, I could float away. “I love you, too, man.”

“I love you.”

I grin tighter. “I love you, Brett, buddy.”

“I … fucking … love you, bro!” he chokes, nearly screaming the words into my neck, muffled.

I blink, alarmed.

And now he’s crying. Sobbing, actually. Full-on and complete sobbing.

I glance at Alan, worried. We’re both trapped now in the gargantuan arms of Brett while he sobs and moans and cries and sputters uncontrollably.

Skylar appears, having come in. “Ah, yes,” he says, observing us. “He’s sooo in control of his big-boy emotions, isn’t he? Impressive, his restraint.”

I crack a smile, then glance at Alan. Alan starts to smile, too. Suddenly, the pair of us burst into laughter, which even Skylar joins in with. Brett, who is clearly still trudging mournfully through the fantasy realm of departing roommates in his mind where it rains tears from the sky forever, lifts his head off my shoulder. He observes us for ten long seconds before squinting and, through a nasally, stuffed-up nose, blurts, “Screw you guys!”

His protest only makes us laugh harder.

Once we gather our feelings and decide to go on with our days, I head down the stairs with Alan leading the way (who insists on carrying my suitcase for me) and Brett and Skylar following. At the landing, I’m met by Dante, who has emerged from his room with his model (and lover, of course) Tye at his side. Dante, sexy as ever in a pair of black leather pants and a tank top, extends a hand to me. “It’s been a pleasure having you as a tenant, no matter how briefly, country boy. You’re welcome here at Piazza Place whenever you want.”

Despite my moment with Brett, I think I’m still holding back tears when I take his hand and shake it. “I couldn’t have asked for a better welcome to the city,” I return, smiling.