I lean over the cross, putting my face right in front of Tye’s. “Loves it. Adores it. Can’t get enough.” I give his cock another slow, twisting stroke. “Perhaps you can relate with that feeling? Loving it? Adoring it? Not being able to … get enough …?”

The moan Tye attempts to make cracks in his throat, and it isn’t long before he’s pulling futilely against the heartless table, to which he is stretched and bound beyond movement.

“We’re going to Greece, baby boy.”

Tye, yet again, is yanked right out of his trance as he stares at me. “We’re what??”

“A million eyes on you, baby boy. A million cameras. A million lenses. Million, million, million. Think big, and it’ll come for you.” I reach behind his head, then pull his face to mine for a kiss. I have to do most of the reaching, since Tye is as good as glued to this table. “What I’m saying is …” I pull back just enough to look into his eyes. “Our lives are about to change.”

The softest, sweetest smile spills lazily over his face. “We can inspire so many people, all across the world.”

“I know, baby, I know.” I give his dick another sensual stroke, smirking with power.

Tye, however, seems unmoved. He’s gazing off dreamily, seeing our future like a cloud in the sky. “Can you picture it? There’s a boy somewhere else in the city, or stuck in the suburbs, frustrated and alone, like I was once … or maybe he’s out in the countryside, and all of his dreams are covered in mud, manure, and dirty boots … and then, late at night, or sometime in the middle of his workday when his parents are out and all his pesky brothers are busy doing their own things … he finds a photo on a website. A photo we made. A photo that makes him feel a deep sense of belonging, a photo that pulls straight out of his heart the very thing he’s wanted his whole life, but could never put into words. He sees right in front of him what he’s been missing …” Tye’s eyes glow with dreams.

I think I know Tye one moment. Then I realize there’s more depth to him than I’ll ever know. “You can be the next struggling wrestler with the beautiful anguish in his eyes,” I tell him.

Tye smiles as he returns to Earth, turning his gaze onto me. “You’re my inspiration, Dante. You will always be my inspiration. I love you,” he says at once, his voice cracking with emotion. “I love you so fucking much.”

He has a way of splitting my heart wide open.

I’ll never know what I did to deserve a guy like this. “If we don’t capture this moment right now,” I tell him, “then we’re two of the most irresponsible artists in the world.”

“Fuck, yes,” he breathes. “Let’s get to work.”

“I’ll get the camera.” I turn to go.

“But wait, Dante? … Sir?”

I stop, then return to my spot between his legs where he’s lifted up his head to look at me. He’s so fucking delicious, spread out like that on that table. He’s a goddamned snack. “Yes, Tye?”

He bites his lip, fighting off a blush, then asks, “Can you … stretch me a little tighter, please, sir?”

His adorable, sweet request for “more” makes my heart race with excitement—and my cock flex in the increasingly tight confinement of my skintight leather pants. I’m struck suddenly, picturing Tye in a variety of precarious positions, bound, vulnerable and exposed to the world, passion in his eyes. He’s about to awaken the world and doesn’t even know it.

I focus the camera, set the lighting, then study his body as he squirms on the clever stretch-rack of a table, waiting for me to tighten his cruel binds one generous notch more.

Knock, knock, knock.

Tye lifts his eyebrows expectantly.

I answer that look on Tye’s face with a shake of my head. “They can wait. We have work to do. Now bite that sexy lip of yours and show me how powerless you are.” I ready the camera. Tye gives me a knowing smirk, ready as ever. Flash!


I cross my arms, perplexed.

Skylar, standing next to me, starts to drum his fingers on his thighs. “Think he stepped out?”

“Nah, he should be home.” I give Dante’s door another knock. We wait a minute. Still no answer.

Skylar frowns in thought. “Is he with a client?”

“He specifically told me he was off today, since he knew this was, well … the day.”

“The day,” agrees Skylar, still drumming along on his thighs.

I reach out and take his hand. The drumming stops and his eyes snap to mine. “You nervous?” I chuckle at him. “Don’t be. Dante will love you, bro. He’s, like, basically the coolest, most totally bad-ass landlord in the fucking world.”