Wellington scoffed. Sterling shot him a glare. Judge Ayers pretended not to notice.

“As I was saying,” Sterling continued. “Mr. Hammerman has roots in the community. If he were at all inclined to flee the country, he would have done so before his arrest. My client is here, in your courtroom, ready and willing to prove his innocence. Therefore, Your Honor, I implore you to set bond and allow Mr. Hammerman the opportunity to return to the community and his family.”

“Motion to grant bail is accepted.” The judge barely looked up as he shuffled papers. “Bond is set at one million dollars.”

Hammer barely had time to digest the fact that he’d be going home—to sleep in his own bed beside Raine and Liam—before Ayers set the date for Barnes and Wellington to present their pretrial motions.

“The trial will commence April first.” The judge slammed his gavel.

Hammer’s stomach pitched. “April Fools Day? You’ve got to be shitting me.” He turned to Sterling. “It can’t get any more fucking ironic than that.”

“Except you’re not the fool. They are.” Sterling jerked his head toward Wellington and the double-breasted dumb asses. “Their supposed witness will have to be God himself because, so far, the evidence I’ve seen shouldn’t impress a jury.”

“When do we find out who this mysterious witness is?” Hammer asked as Sterling stood and began shoving papers into his briefcase.

While the judge stood and retreated to his chamber, the trio of prosecutors filed out of the courtroom.

“Discovery starts today. I’ll touch base with Wellington after we get your bail processed and you’re free. As soon as he and I exchange findings, we’ll meet and begin strategizing.”

“Sounds good.” But Hammer was already standing, turning to fix his gaze on Raine and Liam. They looked back at him with longing and love. “When the fuck can I go home?”

“I’ll wait for the judge to sign the bail order, then personally deliver it to the clerk’s office.” Sterling gripped Hammer’s shoulder, seizing his attention from Raine. “They’ll take you to a holding area until all the paperwork is ironed out. Then you’ll be free to go.”

“Thanks.” He took a ground-eating step in Raine’s direction. “It won’t be much longer, precious.”

He wanted to wrap her in his arms and kiss her senseless when he saw the glimmer of hope and fear skitter across her face. She looked afraid, and who could blame her? It seemed as if something new happened to them every damn day that ripped away the foundation beneath their feet.

“We’ll be waiting,” Raine promised.

God, she looked so tired, so small and fragile. He doubted Liam had slept all weekend, either. They’d been through enough in the last few months, and Hammer felt guilty as hell to be putting more stress on them.

“Liam has arranged for a bondsman to meet me in the clerk’s office,” Sterling explained. “So if you’re prepared, O’Neill…?”

“I brought enough to get you out, mate.” Liam patted his pants pocket.

“How much?” Hammer darted a glance between the two men.

“A hundred and fifty thousand up front,” Sterling advised. “But you’ll also need to put up another million three in collateral to the bondsman.”

“I’ll sign over the condo in San Juan,” Macen said. “It should be worth at least that.”

Raine gasped, clearly shocked.

Yeah, there was a whole lot she didn’t know about him because he’d never opened up and shared himself with her. Oh, he’d expected Raine to vomit out her all her truths, but Hammer had never reciprocated. He’d had his reasons, but that didn’t make keeping her in the dark the right thing to do. Now especially, he owed her more. Everything.

If Wellington’s lying-ass witness was convincing, Hammer might never get another chance to confess his past to Raine so she could understand the man he was today. The future wouldn’t matter because his would be totally fucked.

“Sounds good. I’ll have my secretary file the proper paperwork with the clerk’s office right away. We should be able to get you home this afternoon.” Sterling slapped him on the back as the bailiff came forward.

He held up his hand to the uniformed officer. “I need another minute.” When the cop nodded, Hammer turned to Raine, arms open. “Precious.”

She ran to him and cuddled close as he closed his eyes and clutched her soft body. He inhaled her scent. A lump of emotion lodged in his throat. Then Liam’s arms banded around him and Raine, gathering them together in a tight circle. Hammer willed back the tears that stung his eyes. This was where he belonged.

“I love you both,” he confessed in a hoarse murmur.

“We love you, too,” Raine whispered, clutching the lapels of his suit as if she’d never let go.

“We do, brother.” Liam’s voice teemed with emotion.

As much as he wanted to linger with them, Hammer forced himself to pull away. “I’ll be with you as soon as I can.”