“Raine?” his father prompted.

“I’m sorry. I know you’re nothing like my father but…” She sighed. “I should be getting back to bed anyway. It’s late, and I—”

“Sit for a bit more, lass. You’ve nothing to fear from me, I promise. I’d like to talk to you a minute more is all. Liam is right there, see?”

Her stare darted to where he stood just by the pantry. He gave her an encouraging nod.

She hesitated, then slowly sat once more. Everything inside him screamed that he should go to her, protect her. But his father had always been the most loving, kindest person in Liam’s life. She was safe.

Deliberately, Duncan turned his stool to face Raine, took her hand, and held it gently in both of his. “My Bryn has an interesting gift. I can’t pretend I understand it, but after all these years, I know better than to doubt it. She’s been proven right too many times to count. So when Mum told me about five months ago—out of the blue, mind you—that our youngest had just met the woman he’d love for the rest of his life, I was thrilled. I knew you must be special.”

Raine didn’t say a word, just blinked back at him with her heart in her eyes.

“’Tis no secret we hated Gwyneth,” Da drawled dryly.

Liam scratched at his nape. “You two weren’t quiet about it.”

“She made you miserable, son. That was enough for me. You deserved better than that vampire.”

“Water under the bridge, Da. And you were both right.”

Duncan gave him a sad smile. “Years ago, when he met Macen, Bryn told me that Liam’s quest for happiness would be the most difficult of all our children. Years passed, Gwyneth came and went, and I worried my boy would remain lonely. Then not long after she mentioned you, Bryn said Liam had decided to move to Los Angeles to stay with the people he loved. She said everything was falling into place.”

Curiosity got the better of her. “But Liam didn’t say anything to Bryn?”

“Not a word.”

“It happened so gradually,” Liam remembered. “When I came to visit, I’d had no intention of moving here. Then that morning you and Hammer argued, I asked you to stay with me. Remember?”

“I’ll never forget.”

“I think I suspected then. A few weeks later, I told Seth I wasn’t going back to New York for Thanksgiving. The following week, he came here instead, and I asked him to watch my brownstone when he returned. I’d already bought you this house. By then, I’d decided my life was with you.”

“So…without you telling your mother, she saw all that?” Raine looked puzzled.

Liam nodded. “She can sense when people make decisions, especially important ones.”

Da nodded. “My Bryn is an empath and a seer. She feels the emotions of others deeply and can ‘see’ in all directions—past, present, and future. Your man there is touched with it, too. Out of all the kids, he’s most like her.”

“Geez, Da. Raine doesn’t need to hear this—”

“Yes, I do.” She nodded earnestly.

Duncan chuckled and patted the hand he still held, shaking his head. “You hear that, lad?”

Liam rolled his eyes. “But how could Mum know the three of us would be together when none of us were even sure?”

“She didn’t say. But if I had to guess, some things are simply meant to be.” Da smiled Raine’s way. “Bryn said there was so much darkness in your life before Hammer and Liam brought in light and love. Lately, she’s been telling me the trials and tribulations the three of you were going through, trying to fit yourselves in one another’s lives. I woke up one early November morn last year to find her gloating because she knew wee Raine was pregnant.”

“Even before we knew, then.” Liam covered his eyes and groaned. “Is nothing private, Da?”

“Contrary to your belief, Liam O’Neill, you three didn’t invent sex. And that wasn’t the point anyway.”

Raine blushed, pointedly not looking at his father.

“Your mum mostly talked of the anguish you’ve all been through.” He paused. “Bryn knew afterward what happened with your father, Raine. She was a mess for a week with heartache and sorrow. She knew what you had suffered at the hand of your own kin. What she told me made me rage with the want to shield you from such a monster. Knowing you sent him on to his just rewards brings little comfort.”

Raine’s eyes filled with more tears. Liam scooped up a box of tissues and set them within her reach, then stood at her back, gently rubbing.

“Thank you,” she choked out his father’s way.

“I can’t pretend to understand that terrible man, Raine. I love my girls and my son fiercely. If one of them had been in your shoes that day, I would have encouraged them to do exactly what you did. Bryn and I want to thank you for making our boy happy. I think he and Macen will be outstanding fathers, and you love one another enough to last a lifetime.”