That’s the pose I’m in when someone knocks. I say, “Come in,” and two men step into the room. I recognize the blond one on the left from TV. Luke McDowell! He has my luggage. The guy on his right, with the kind smile and short brown hair, is holding a chubby baby.

They both smile, and I laugh, feeling silly leaned over Ezra like this. They come over, standing by the rail on the bed’s other side, and they both look at Ezra, who, with a sheet over his leg, just looks like he’s napping shirtless with a few EKG leads stuck to his chest.

“Hey, Ez…” I realize after I say it that it’s a dumb idea to wake him, but the damage is done. His eyelids flutter open, and he frowns at me, and then at Luke McDowell and his husband. Then he smiles and his eyes roll back. Somehow, he’s not too high to lock an arm around my shoulders.

His eyes open again. “Hi,” he whispers, looking up at Luke.

“How’re you doing?” Luke asks softly.

Ezra looks from Luke to his husband, and when he sees the baby, he gives a big, medicated smile. “You brought her,” he slurs. His eyes shut, but he lifts them open again.

“Hey,” he says, and I can tell from his tone that he’s saying hello to their baby.

Vance lifts baby Eden’s arm up in a wave. “Hey, Ezra,” he says in a falsetto voice that reminds me of old-school Alvin and the Chipmunks. “You played a great game. We’re sooo proud of you!”

Luke chuckles and shakes his head, and I can’t help a soft laugh.

So kicks off a long spell of whispering between Luke and Vance and me. It ends with Luke asking me how Ezra’s doing. I tell him about what happened in the triage room, and Vance tells me I should get in bed with Ezra.

“Every time you move from that pose,” he says, nodding down at me, “his eyes crack open. Is your back hurting like this?”

I shrug. “Nah.”

“Get up there on your side, dude, and I’ll put the rail up behind you. That way, you can both sleep.”

Luke nods. “We can stay. I’ll sit in the rocking chair there and we’ll nap Miss Eden here.”

I guess I must look hesitant, because Vance nods at Luke. “Mr. Surname over there—his dad donated money to this place. Long time back.” He lifts his brows. “It was a lot of money. If they give us any trouble, he’ll be Pastor My Dad Gave You Money.”

I laugh, because this Vance guy is seriously…not like I thought a pastor’s spouse would be. Luke shrugs from where he’s standing, bouncing Eden over by the recliner. “If you’ve got it, use it.”

Vance shakes his head. “Shameless,” he whispers.

“But isn’t that your surname now, too?”

He laughs, biting on his lower lip, and I see why Luke McDowell likes him. While Luke himself has a quiet, strong, steady energy, Vance seems fun-loving and open. Like he loves to rag on people, but he’s also serious and caring.

Vance lifts a brow. “Move off him,” he tells me softly. I try to ease myself off Ezra, and he opens his eyes. His gaze moves around the room. When he sees Vance, he looks calmer. Then his eyes find mine, and he winces. “Mills?”

“What’s the matter, angel?”

He shuts his eyes. “Don’t let go.”

Vance is looking downright smug, with one brow popped up. I give him a protest look, and he motions with his hand like I should get this show on the road.

“You want me to get up beside you in the bed?” I ask Ezra, stroking his cheek so he’ll open his eyes.

His voice is rough and hoarse as he says, “Yeah,” and in a tone like “no shit.” His eyes are still shut as he lifts an arm up off the mattress, sort of like he’s asking me to come up under it.

“C’mon, Mr. Miller,” Luke says. “V will help you settle in there, and I’ll go talk to your nurse about it.”

It’s strange how sedated Ezra still seems as I climb up into the bed beside him. He doesn’t move at all, and I don’t mess with any of his blankets. I lie on my side, hesitating for a second before wrapping my arm over his chest.

God, it feels so good to hold him. I’m giving him a big grin when he opens his eyes. He blinks a few times, wraps his arm around me, and we settle like that. Vance leaves the room and returns with one of those heated blankets, which he drapes over me.

Then Luke’s back from the nurse’s station, with the baby sleeping on his arm. He sets a cup with a straw on the rolling table by the bed and pushes it closer to me with a little reassuring smile. I smile up at him and Vance, feeling equal parts grateful and awkward here, all cuddled up to Ezra. I decide I’m more grateful than awkward.