Ezra’s here. He’s in my bed. I reach up to wrap an arm around his neck, pulling him down on me as my heart pounds with excitement.

His low voice vibrates as he lays his cheek on my chest. "Hey there, Millsy."

“Hey, angel.”

His hand tunnels into my hair. “You sleep okay?”

“Yeah.” My throat cinches with emotion, but I swallow and move past it. “Did you?”

He smiles down at me. “Those sleepy eyes.” His smile is so big. So…real.

I lean up while pulling him down, kissing his temple. “You wore me out, Ez.”

“Damn straight.”

“It was honestly really gay.”

He laughs softly.

“So you’ve been here watching me sleep?” I grin up at him.

He grins back, looking slightly abashed. "Is that stalkery?"

"Can't stalk someone who's obsessed with you.”

I play with his hair, loving how his head feels under my hand. Jesus, I love everything about him. Every single fucking thing. I look at his face—Ezra’s face—and I see nothing but the guy I love. I want to tell him nothing could change how I feel about him, but instead I whisper, “Let’s get up and go do something. I don’t want to miss a moment before you leave.”

"Go back to sleep now if you want to.” He wraps me in his arms. “I’ll stick around."

I decide I'll argue, but the next time I open my eyes, my room is bathed in bright gold sunlight and he's sitting cross-legged on the bed beside me. He's got his borrowed ball cap on backwards, along with a funny little smirk.

"What're you doing?" I ask, my voice sounding sleep-rough.

He slides underneath the covers with me, and he kisses my jaw.

"Got you something,” he says, looking sweet and smug.

I can’t resist kissing his cheek. "What's that?"

"I'll show you. But..." His arm slides in between us, his hand rubbing my bulge. "I see you've got me something, too." Pretty soon he's pushing my briefs down. He's underneath the covers blowing me. When he's done swallowing, I try to go for him, and he laughs.

"Did myself while I did you.” He pulls his shirt off, wiping both of us clean. “So you could eat your breakfast sooner."

Ez gives me this shy smile as he reveals a whole gas station bag of different stuff—all things I like. Plus a box of chocolate donuts.

"You used to always get me donuts,” I say.

He winks. “Gotta fatten you up.” We eat the donuts sitting cross-legged on the bed, just staring at each other. He catches me staring, and my cheeks burn. "Now who's creepin'?" I ask, covering my face.

"No one." He drags his fingertip over my bare knee.

We end up showering together, and I run my hands all over his beautifully sculpted body.

“A work of art,” I murmur.

“A work of the gym.”

We kiss and almost end up going at each other again, but Ezra pulls me up against him and holds me for so long I think he needs that more.

"I don't want to leave today,” he murmurs.

"I don't want you to either.” I press my cheek against his. “I've got an idea. What if I ride up with you and take the bus home? We could talk in the Jeep. And I could see where you live. Even if it's just the outside of the building. I know you probably have things to do today."

"Are you fucking kidding me, Josh? Please ride up with me. I have nothing to do. A team meeting at 4:30, but then nothing. It's a Sunday. I'd ask you to stay the night, but I bet you've got a class tomorrow."

"Actually, I do. An 8:30, and that professor is a psycho."

"Here's an even weirder idea.” He quirks a brow up. “How would you feel about riding up with me and dropping me off. Then you bring my car back to me in a few days, and after that, I'll drive you back home?"

I think that’s the moment that I know it's going to be okay. That he means all this. Ezra notices me being weird and kisses my cheeks and forehead, and then he gets out of the shower and wraps me in a towel like a little kid.

He wraps another towel awkwardly around my head. "Spa day."

"Is that what they do at the spa?" I tease.

"I don't know. It could be." Ez gives me a funny little grin, and then he scoops me up in his arms. He carries me to bed and lays me on top of my covers and says, "I'll dress you today. All you have to do is call me Daddy.”

He does just that, and it’s crazy charming. Ezra in this new and gentle mode, with all his doting smiles and temple kisses. When he steps into the bathroom, I say, “Scoop the Xannies up. We can seal them in a Ziplock bag and then bury them.”