I sink into the covers, holding the phone to my ear like a sixth grade girl talking past curfew on a school night.

“What do the sheets feel like against your skin?” his voice rumbles.

I stroke my hand down the inside of my thigh. “It’s not a sheet. It’s fleece.”

He purrs, just like a tiger. “So it’s soft.”

“It is.”

“Is it cold in your room?”

“Now that I’m naked it is.” Reality slices through my fantasy, sending a pulse of fear through me. Making me feel vulnerable, like tomorrow I’m going to find a recording of our conversation posted on the campus forums.

“Are your nipples hard?”

I bite my lip. “I’m not telling until I know something about you.”

“What do you want to know?”

My stomach twists a little. I still can’t believe I’m doing this with him. I could stop right now, but... I can’t seem to say the words. In fact, I hear myself ask, “What are you wearing?”

“A robe.”

“What color is it?” I whisper.

“Black. And silk.”

My cheeks burn as I imagine his glorious body draped in a black robe. How it would hang off his huge, ripped shoulders. If I was there, I could part it and see his six-pack... and his happy trail.

“I’m sitting at the top of the stairs in a dark house, but I think I’ll get up and go back to your room now. Getting up...” I hear the sound of fabric swishing, followed by his deliciously low voice. “My cock is so hard, it’s bouncing as I walk. I’ve got my hand around the head of it. Put your hand between your legs, Cleo.”

I imagine his perfect cock as I slide my hand back down between my thighs.

“Touch yourself,” he orders. “Rub your fingertips over your clit—lightly—and then stroke down. Nudge your finger in between your lips so you can feel how soft you are. So warm and wet, aren’t you? Glide your fingers through your wetness.”

My fingertip circles my clit, almost on its own.

“Good girl. Don’t be shy. You’re fucking sexy, naked with your fingers in your pussy. My cock is aching for that tight, wet pussy. Slide one finger down and push a finger into yourself. It feels like velve

t inside, doesn’t it Cleo? Push in—all the way. Do you like that?”

God—for shame. I push my finger up inside myself, and it’s all I can do to swallow back a moan.

“Tell me, Cleo—do you like to be finger-fucked?”

Heat sweeps through me, and every inch of my skin tingles with sweat.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Clench around your finger. Clamp that pussy down on it. Are you doing that?”

I nod.

“Now drag your finger out. Not fast. Slowly.”

Damn me, I’m doing what he says. My clit feels warm and swollen.

“You’re empty now. All wet with no dick to fill you up,” his low voice whispers. “Push your finger back into your cunt. Then slide it out. I want you to fuck yourself. Like I would do if I was there.”