He shakes his head and pulls me down beside him on the mattress. “I don’t like it…because I can’t feel you there.”

THE MARIJUANA TINCTURE IS A GAME-CHANGER. After a good night’s sleep, Kellan wakes up feeling good. He seems so comfortable and happy when the doctors do their morning rounds, Willard decides to cut back sharply on the IV painkillers. After a pancake breakfast he attacks with comical enthusiasm, Kellan nods off in the recliner, thumbing through The Wall Street Journal. I use the quiet time to sit on the love seat near the window and have a text chat with my sister.

Around lunch time, I move over to the bed and bring my laptop out. I’m combing through my list of favorite quotes when Kellan’s eyes flip open.

“Cleo, fuck. My dick…” He blinks around the room, looking dizzy. His gaze smashes into mine. “Is this a wean?”

“A what?” I slide down off the bed and stand over his chair.

“Check this out.” He reaches for my hand and brings it down to his cock, which even through the cotton of his pants, is so hard I can almost feel his pulse in it. “Dilaudid,” he rasps. “When they cut it back... I get these crazy fucking boners. I want to be inside you…now.”

His eyes are still a little dazed from all the tincture I’ve been giving him. I grab a condom and urge him over to the bed, where he splays out and I crawl underneath the covers. I take the head of him into my mouth and he thrusts down my throat.

“Oh fuckkkk...” His legs tremble. I feel him throb. I run my hand along the seam of his balls and he explodes.

He fingers my pussy expertly, stopping to pant... and then I reach for him and feel how hard his cock is. I find my own release as I close my hand around it.

Afterward, it’s still half hard. I laugh. “Are you serious?”

“I told you.” His eyes are wide, and brighter than I’ve seen them in days. “All day. Tomorrow too I bet. Is tomorrow the rest day?”

“Tomorrow is your first day after transplant, baby.”

“Fuck. So that’s today.”

“Too stoned to keep track of the days,” I tease him. “It’s okay. I’ve been taking my pre-donation meds, and I feel fine. I’m all ready. In fact, I think I’m supposed to get a shower.”

He’s quiet as we walk into the bathroom. I start the water, strip my clothes off, and pretend not to lust after his massive, hard cock as he drops his pants. I catch him looking in the mirror before I help him remove his shirt, while being mindful of the IV lines. The left side of his chest is still bruised. Shoulder too.

He’s leaner. Leaner in the legs and hips. He’s still wide up top, but it’s a different kind of top-heavy. His arms are more sinewy, his shoulders squarer.

“Mmm,” I kiss his bicep, “that’s a .gif right there.”

He rocks his cock against my leg. “You’re a .gif. I need a file for when you’re not around.”

“I’ll always be around.”

I move the IV bag to its hook inside the shower and we step in, clutching each other.

I giggle at his dick.

He smiles a little, looking tired around the eyes.

“You feel okay?” I touch his forearm.

“I like being with you.” Another earnest answer. Thank you, marijuana. His hungry hands wash me. He fingers me until I come under the shower spray. Then he strokes himself until his lids are low, his nipples taut.

“Why are you still here?” he asks as he works his cock.

I grab his balls and kiss his chest. “Because when we get out, I get to take this home.” I grin. He smiles a little. “What a horny boy, and feeling so good too. Why don’t you sit down on this bench?”

He does so without question. I climb up on his lap and sink down on his tortured cock. We come fast, both laughing. We step out onto the rug together, tangled in each other. I dry me, and then help him. Even though he’s feeling better, he’s still weak.

He leans down so I can towel his hair, and when I rub the towel over it, it comes away in patches.

He lets me shave it with some shears I ordered for this very day, and when I present him with the soft gray beanie hat I ordered my second day here, he shuts his eyes and pulls me to him. His lips move gently over my cheek.

He sits by the windows as the sun goes down. After a few minutes cleaning up the room and rearranging the pillows and covers, I join him on the little love seat, which we have pointed toward the window.