Page 7 of Moon Spell

“Let me see you,” he said, unwilling to wait a moment longer. “Please.”

Ashwood bit his lip in an endearing way, stood up, and with shaky fingers, pulled himself out, his prick hard, red at the tip and leaking his desire, nearly saturating the material.

Bellamy leaned forward and inhaled his scent, shoving his nose in the coarse patch of hair at Ashwood’s groin. He licked at the crease where his thigh met his torso, then upward toward his hip bone, noticing the softness of his skin.

“Fucken hell. You make me feel wild.”

“Good,” Bellamy replied with a smug smile. He studied Ashwood’s cock, the short bend, the thickness, the tip, and was grateful he was given this gift on this day, no matter the consequences.

He drew the foreskin down, admired the glans, then gently licked the slit for far too long and with too much consideration if Ashwood’s moans were any indication. Then he finally sucked his cock into his mouth. It was sloppy, not quite as refined as Ashwood’s ministrations, but he didn’t seem to mind as he shuddered. Bellamy could already taste the hint of seed on his tongue and knew Ashwood was close to unraveling, which sent a thrill through him, that he had a part in making Ashwood’s desire known. Breathing through his nose, he took him farther inside his mouth, telling himself to relax and enjoy the experience, despite it being his first time. Ashwood moaned and rocked a little toward him, making him gag.

“Sorry,” Ashwood said as Bellamy released his shaft to catch his breath.

“It’s all right.” He studied Ashwood’s cock again, then reached up and gripped his bollocks as he made a second attempt.

Ashwood released a strangled groan, so he knew he must’ve been doing something right. He used his tongue to circle the glans and lave the veins, all while applying pressure to one testicle, then the other. He enjoyed the sounds Ashwood was expending and joined him with his own deep groan as he took him in farther.

“Bell…you’re going to make me spend.”

“Show me, Ash. I want to taste all of you too.”

“Fuck.” Ashwood’s entire body stilled before he cried out and coated Bellamy’s mouth with bursts of seed. The taste was bitter, but he wanted to swallow and have some of Ashwood inside him, so he worked his throat to make it happen.

Once his breeches were righted, they stood holding each other.

“You are my beloved, Bell.” There was a sad note in his tone, and for some reason, it left Bellamy feeling raw and vulnerable.

“And you are mine, Ash.”

As they returned separately to their corners, the reality of their dreary situation thumped against his chest. A strange foreboding befell Bellamy, and it frightened him.

As if perhaps that would be their last time together.

One month Before Bellamy Comes of Age

It was dusk, their day of begging over, and Bellamy was worried. Ashwood had disappeared on an errand for Gladstone and hadn’t returned yet. Not that this hadn’t happened before. Gladstone was involved in all sorts of illegal business dealings in Beggar’s Hole, and Bellamy suspected that sending a minor to collect something or other worked to his advantage. Gladstone tended to use Ashwood or another lad named Ira, perhaps because they were bigger in stature and appeared more confident. It certainly didn’t mean they’d avoid trouble, and that didn’t sit well with Bellamy.

Before returning to their sleeping quarters, Bellamy headed toward the narrow close where he’d last seen Ashwood, hoping to meet him halfway and perhaps get a quiet moment alone before they needed to retire for the evening.

For some reason, as he padded along the narrow path, he felt an uneasiness in his chest. That same foreboding he’d felt the last time he and Ashwood were alone. The alley winded behind the stores, and as he neared the end, he could see the woods in the distance, beyond a field of wildflowers and the nearby windmill. Just as he was about to step around the corner, he heard the rumble of voices, one of them raised, and it made him pause. He peered cautiously around the edge of the alleyway and immediately spotted Ashwood, who stood talking to four men, one of them imposing and the others rather baleful-looking.

Was this to do with the errand Gladstone had sent him on or had Ashwood gotten himself in trouble? Bellamy decided the best place for him in that moment was to remain nearby but undetected in case Ashwood needed his help. The full moon was brilliant in the night sky, and he felt drawn to it in a way he hadn’t been before. It stirred something inside him, making it hard to look away.

“Have you convinced him to join us yet?” The most sinister of the men crossed his arms and gave Ashwood a pointed look.