Page 90 of Shattered Dynasty

I stand and then head to my car. As soon as I close the door, I hit the button on my phone to call Jax. I forgot to ask the EMS which hospital they took her to.

“What’s going on?” he answers.

“I need you to help me with something,” I rush out so fast that my words blend, and I’m not sure he will even understand me.

“Calm down, man.”

I take a deep breath.

“Someone tried to kill Payton.”

“The fuck?”

“I need you to tell me what hospital she went to, and after, I’m going to need you to look over the footage, but first, the hospital for Payton Hart.”

“On it.” I hear his fingers hitting the keyboard. “How’re you holding up?” he asks as he continues his search.

“Not well.”

“She’ll be okay.”

“She better be.” I grunt because I won’t even humor the idea that she won’t be.

“Found her. Mercy General. It’s five miles from where the GPS on your car says you are. Make a left on Franklin, and you’re there.”


I call Cyrus next, and before he can even say hi, I’m speaking.

“I’m on my way to Mercy General by Ludlow University. There was an accident.”

“Shit,” he grits out. “What’s going on? Are you okay?” The worry in his voice is palpable.

“Not me. Payton.” It feels like ice is spreading through my chest as I tell him about the accident. When I’m done, he inhales deeply.

“Is she okay?”

“I’m not sure yet, but I need a favor. Fuck, I need all the favors.”

“What can I do?”

“I need you to call whoever you know at the hospital and pull some strings. I want to be able to see her. Also, whoever you know on the police force. I want all the info on Payton’s accident sent to Jax.”

“Done and done.”

“Thanks, man. I owe you.” I hang up the phone and continue to drive. Cyrus knows everyone. If anyone can get me in to see her, it’s him.

Because I will see her. Today. And then when the time comes, I’ll take her back home and take care of her.

No matter what she says. Because I won’t give her a choice.

I’ll make her.

Once I arrive at the hospital, I pull up right in front of the building. I don’t bother going to the lot. I just throw it in park. They can tow my ass for all I care.

They won’t, though, because Cyrus will take care of that.

Barreling into the waiting room, I head straight for the front desk, slamming my hands down on it, startling the poor girl behind it.

“A girl, Payton Hart, was just brought in. Car accident. Where is she?” I don’t have to see myself to know my eyes are wild.

“Please, sir.” The woman clicks away at her desktop. “Can you slow down?”

“Payton Hart.”

She looks down at her computer and starts to type.

I can hear the way her fingers hit the keyboard in slow, spaced-out movements. It’s driving me insane with how long it is taking.

I’m probably better off walking away and having Jaxson hack the hospital. Then I would know exactly what is going on.

After another second, she looks up from the computer.

“I’m sorry, sir. She’s in triage right now, I’ll be able to find out—”

“I want to see her now.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

And I know without a measure of doubt, Cyrus Reed will come through for me again.

I start to pace as I wait for her to update me. My feet hitting the floor heavily.

Fear and anger knot inside me. The thought of her broken on the ground, blood pouring out of her head, has me shattered.

I feel like a piece of glass that just got hit with a hammer.

No matter how hard I breathe, it’s impossible to calm my erratic pulse.

Hands clenched at my sides.

I can’t rid myself of the image of her lying there.

Who did this?


He’s the only one who makes sense.

A commotion has me turning to the entrance of the hospital.


He’s striding toward me.

When he’s in front of me, he places a hand on my shoulder.

“What are you doing here?”

Cyrus doesn’t answer. Instead, he gives me a look that tells me all I need to know.

We are family.

Family takes care of each other.

“Let’s go,” he says, and I shake my head in confusion, but I follow anyway. We walk past the woman, straight through the doors that lead into the restricted part of the hospital. We’re only a few steps inside when a man in a suit approaches us. He’s not a doctor, that’s for sure.

“Mr. Reed. Mr. Aldridge. I’m Steven Rigsby. I am in charge of this hospital. If you’ll follow me, I’ll bring you to Ms. Hart. She’s being worked on right now, so you’ll be right outside her room, but as soon as you can see her, you’ll be right there.”

I nod, and he turns around to show us the way. Down the hall and through corridors, we keep moving. Finally, he leads us to a small waiting room in front of a door.