That’s my truth.

My chest hurts with the force of that feeling, and my stomach feels funny, but no, I swear it’s not because of what we’re doing right now. Taylen’s gaze is a red hot brand, and I want him to use it on me to mark me and make me his forever.

His look is like a humid, NOLA day—a day so hot and wet and sticky that it’s hardly endurable, except this time, it’s me who’s hot and wet and sticky, and yes, I want to endure it. I feel alive with this new sensation like Taylen’s been stitched into the very fibers of me. My heart feels brand new, tender, and squishy, and I think I’m starting to understand the real meaning of a soulmate—a perfect pairing of souls. One half and one half joined together to be whole.

I start grinding and swiveling madly, rocking my hips, pulling away, and joining us back together. I’m starting to shake now, and every pump of Tay’s hips as he joins my rhythm is sending me closer and closer to tumbling into the magical land again. I can feel him straining under me, his body working, and I know he’s holding himself back. He’s panting and barely restrained, hardly holding on to his control.

“Taylen!” I cry his name as I throw my head back, claw at his shoulder and chest, slam myself up and down on his cock as my walls clench around him, and I come.

I come harder than either of the climaxes before, and since there were other ones, and my body is still sensitive, this is like stepping straight into the eye of the storm. It’s like tumbling right down an erupting volcano and being trapped in the circle of dancing cats who are all unbearably cute. It’s freaking wonderful.

Taylen isn’t nearly done, though. While I’m still coming, he grasps my waist and flips me around like a freaking ragdoll. I cling to him like he’s a strip of sticky paper, and I’m the fly, caught between never being able to let go and uh, okay, that’s bad. I guess flies do get caught on that stuff and can’t get away. But nasty, who wants to be a fly? Anyway, it’s not like I can think of good metaphors right now while Taylen is slamming into me over and over, and I’m flying and falling again.

There are more bright lights, more dancing cats, and more mystical magic. I writhe and twist under him and lock my legs around his waist while my stomach, legs, and pussy cramp.

“I’m going to come again,” I pant, and good lord, I’m not sure if I already am, if it ever stopped, or if this is something new.

All I know is it feels so freaking good that it kind of hurts too.

I’m tumbling and letting go, falling, flying, dancing again, and then Taylen is vibrating on top of me, roaring as he comes, his massive body trembling above me. It’s so hot. It’s so, so hot, especially as he’s totally out of control. Beads of sweat drip from his forehead onto mine. He kisses me, and he can’t breathe, so he half snorts against my mouth, and I love that too. I love how his back ripples against my fingertips, how his butt muscles tremble against my heels, how he thrusts inside me hard and then just rests, trembling and spasming until we both come down together.

He collapses first, after a few minutes. He kind of half crushes me, and I let out a gulp grunt. When he hears it, he gasps and pulls me out from under him before wrapping me up in his arms.

“God, I’m sorry,” he pants. “I’ve just…I’ve never been…I had no muscle control left.”

“It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me.” I want to tell him that it feels divine to be held like this. I want to tell him that I no longer know what muscle control, legs, arms, or functioning body parts are because I’m now just all jelly from coming like six hundred times. I want to tell him that I wouldn’t mind living in this bed with him, listening to his wild heartbeats and ragged breathing.

He kisses my damp forehead, and I arch up and kiss his lips, tasting the spice of myself there, the salt of my sweat, me on him.

I’ve never been so satisfied and so thoroughly, magically, and wonderfully sated in my life.

Instead of saying anything, I just stay silent because I don’t want to ruin anything. I just want to enjoy it. I’ve never felt more at peace, and I’m sure the curse isn’t done with us yet. Out in the real world, there’s still a shitstorm coming, and I’d rather take shelter with Taylen for just a little while longer.



“Did you hear that?”