It feels good to shower, and I look at my body with a new appreciation once I’m out and dressed in only mesh underwear with a diaper-like pad. My middle is still swollen and squishy, a far cry from the abs I used to have, but damn. This body grew, carried, and delivered our daughter.

I have to check on Juliet—she’s sleeping in Eliza’s arms and Eliza is reading fairy tales to her—and then dry my hair. Getting back to a routine after having a baby is important, I know. I want to feel good and like myself again, only this time, like myself but as a mother.

Once my hair is dry, I go into the kitchen, finding Lucas with Juliet. He’s standing by the windows, looking out at the yard. He put on a pot of coffee, and there’s a basket of freshly made muffins that my friends had to have baked for me last night while I was in labor.

“There’s your mama,” he whispers to our baby. Juliet is awake, looking around this big new world curiously. “She’s going to get breakfast and then you can have yours.” Juliet cries, and Lucas brings her against his chest, rocking her as he walks around the kitchen. Juliet quiets down, and my heart swells in my chest.

We’ve been through so much to get to where we are. Our life is messy, but it’s so damn perfect. And I won’t let anyone get in our way.

Chapter 47

Two weeks later…

“Nope.” Lucas takes the remote from me and chucks it across the family room.

“Seriously?” I hold out my hand, telekinetically bringing it back. Juliet fell asleep in my arms after nursing, passing out in a milk-coma.

“Yes. You don’t need to watch the news right before we go out on our first date night since Juliet has been born.”

“You can’t call it a date night when you’re bringing the baby,” Eliza quips, looking up from her phone.

“Baby steps,” Lucas tells her, taking the remote away from me again. “No pun intended.” He puts the remote on the coffee table and drapes his arm around me. I lean against him, heart so damn full.

“It works out anyway,” I add. “Abby’s sitter canceled at the last minute, so she’s bringing Penny.”

Abby, Phil, and now Penny are meeting Lucas, Juliet, and me for dinner here in Thorne Hill. The two weeks since Juliet’s birth passed in a whirlwind, with some days seeming to go on forever and others passing in the blink of an eye. It’s been an adjustment, for sure, but Lucas and I are finally getting a good routine down.

The fact that Juliet sleeps a lot right now definitely helps, and I can hold her while looking through spell books, taking notes, and coming up with more plans to defeat the Horsemen. Whatever blessing Michael put on her must be working, and I almost don’t want to think about it out of fear of jinxing anything.

The thought of leaving the house without Juliet scares us both. I went grocery shopping a few days ago while Lucas stayed home with the baby. I called him four times, worried a demon would attack the moment I was out. We’ve been good about spending time together, though, with Eliza taking over baby-duty so we can watch a movie and focus on each other and our marriage.

“In that case, give me my sister so you can make yourself look presentable.” Eliza sets her phone down and speeds over, extending her arms.

“I already showered and did my hair,” I counter, though I have pretty much lived in baggy shorts and nightgowns.

“Put on something low-cut to show off those huge tits.”

“One is bigger than the other,” I comment, standing and giving Juliet to Eliza. “I’ll have to get her to nurse the other side before we leave.” Shrugging, I go upstairs. Lucas comes up behind me, closing the bedroom door. He picks me up and lays me down on the bed, putting himself between my legs. I had my two-week postpartum checkup yesterday, and Maryellen was shocked to see that I’m totally healed.

Perks of not being human and having all my angel powers unlocked, I know.

Physically, I’m almost back to my old self. I don’t need as much sleep as I did while pregnant, which is great since I have a newborn. I can use my powers without feeling any pain. I’m healing faster than ever but am still dealing with the hormone shifts since I’m breastfeeding.

“I fucking love you,” he growls, lips brushing against my neck as he speaks. It sends a shiver through me. I widen my legs, feeling his cock against me. I’ve missed this, and I know not having sex drove Lucas crazy, though he never once complained or suggested we try something before I was ready.

And I was ready last night, after Maryellen cleared me much earlier than anticipated.