"I was hoping you would teach me to play croquet." Ian stared down at her. "Croquet?" She regathered her treasures. "It is a game with balls and mullets where you hit the ball through a spigot. The queen says it is most entertaining, but Edith said she would not teach me such a game until hell freezes over."

Ian had to bite back a sudden bark of laughter. "Why not?"

"Edith said she would not put a mullet into that lunatic's


hands. But now that you're back ..." She looked up at him hopefully.

Ian didn't have the heart to say no. "Okay, Selena, I will teach you to play croquet."

She gifted him with a radiant smile. "I can learn the dark side of life tomorrow."

Such innocence ...

"Very well. Now, let's go back into the house. It's cold out here. I'd like to see you read. You did so well with existentialism, I think we'll try something else."

"Something happy please."

He stood up and, without thinking, put a hand out to her. She stuffed her treasures back into the mealy tree stump, then took hold of his hand and got to her feet. Together, hand in hand, they walked back toward the house.

Halfway there, she stopped dead and yanked her hand back. "Wait!"

"What is it?"

"I wanted to show you something wonderful that Lara taught me."


"The tall child who sucks her thumb."

"I know who Lara is. I simply wondered what she could teach anyone."

"Oh, she knows a great many wonderful things. Like this." Selena lowered herself into a crouch and pressed her hands into the soft carpet of needles. A quick cock of her head ensured her that Ian was watching, then she rolled forward into a somersault. She whacked into a pine tree and plopped to the side, her booted feet flailing for a second before she righted herself.

Twisting around, she grinned up at him, her hair full of pine needles and dead leaves. She looked like a fairy princess come to life from the forest floor. "Isn't that grand?"

Jesus. The world was going to kill her. He sighed. "Just grand, Selena"


"You try it"


She nodded eagerly, patted the soft earth. "It does not hurt one bit."

"I know that, Selena, I've done them. Years ago." He walked toward her and plucked the foliage from her hair, then offered her his hand. "Come along, now. I wish to see you read."

She sighed and took his hand, standing beside him. A leaf clung to her throat, but she seemed not to notice. "I think that is most unwise, Ian. You look like you need a somersault."

"What I need," he replied, "is a drink." "Ah, yes. Johann promised you would teach me of the drink."

"You will not drink, Selena. Ever." "Why not?"

"Men drink. Ladies do not." She appeared to think about that. "The breasts make it impossible?"

He couldn't have heard her correctly. "What?" "Johann explained to me that there was a difference between men and women. Women have breasts and unmentionables and men have-"