Andrew knelt before her. A lock of dark blond hair fell across one eye, and he brushed it back impatiently. "We know how lonely it can be here ... how frightening your first days can be. But we wanted you to know that you aren't alone." He got to his feet and backed up. "Go ahead, ladies."

The crowned woman stepped forward and thrust a small, perfectly rounded gray rock in Selena's hand. "That's a worry rock, subject. When you're scared or lonely or worried, you rub it between your thumb and forefinger." She yanked it back and demonstrated. "Like this." Then she tossed the rock into Selena's lap and scuttled out of the way.

Selena stared down at the rock, too surprised for a moment to respond. The word she needed came effortlessly this time. This strange woman had given Selena a gift.

It was a thing that friends did. That family did.

"Go ahead, Lara," Andrew said.

The girl?Lara?came to the bed next and drew a tattered rag doll from behind her back. The fabric was slashed along the doll's gingham-sheathed chest, revealing a swatch of quilting, and one black button eye was missing. A few fuzzy strands of red yarn remained on the back of its head.

The girl withdrew her thumb and stared steadily down at Selena. "Sarah," she said in a slurred voice, and popped her thumb back in her mouth.

Selena took Sarah carefully. The ragged toy was soft and comforting. Instinctively she brought it to her chest and rocked it gently against her breast. Lara gave her a wide, gap-toothed grin, and Selena knew she'd done the right thing.

Maeve cocked her head toward a heap of rust-colored


silk. "I brought you a gown. Edith will alter it to fit you."

Finally, Andrew returned to the bed and knelt once again in front of her. The women shuffled in close behind him. He withdrew a small, rectangular thing from the waistband of his pants. "This is a children's book. I thought perhaps you would enjoy looking at the drawings."

Selena took the thing reverently, smoothed her hand across the tooled leather surface. For long seconds, she just stared down at it in awe. It was a most exquisite gift. Then Andrew gently eased it open. Immediately words popped out at her: Cat. Dog. Me. And. Home.

Once, she'd known how to read. The knowledge stunned her, filled her with an almost giddy sense of discovery.

She swallowed hard, looked down at Andrew. The honest concern in his eyes gave her a new strength. This man wouldn't laugh at her, wouldn't get disgusted with her inability to speak and her lack of knowledge about the world. He was a gentle soul, this one, and he knew what it meant to be lonely and afraid.

Maybe he could help her, teach her to be smart enough to bring Ian back.

She wet her lips, trying to dredge up the words to ask for help. "Fancy . .. goods." The words slipped out; she had no idea what they meant, but she knew that they were wrong. She frowned, concentrating as hard as she could, so hard the headache started to pulse at the back of her skull. She felt the quiet stares of the people around the bed, but there was no disgust, no judgments being made. They were simply waiting for her to speak.

"Red," she blurted. No. Not right, but close. "Read." She pointed down at Andrew. "You ... me ... read."

"Y-You want me to read to you?"

"No," she managed, shaking her head, unable to say more. I want you to help me to read. The sentence turned through her mind in a ceaseless, frustrating


rhythm. She tried hopelessly to bring the words forth, to form the simple request, but it was impossible.

Mute and frustrated, she stared down at Andrew. He stared up at her, a helpless, pathetic frown on his face. "I don't understand. You want me to read to you?"

"Of course she wants you to read to her, Andrew," Maeve declared at last. "We all do."

Lara nodded wildly and clambered up on the bed beside Selena. Within moments, all five of them were settled in the comforting softness of the bed.

The young man?already Selena had forgotten his name-?started to read. The quiet, sweet-sounding words washed through Selena, and each one sparked an image, a memory of meaning. Rabbit. Wagon. Sun. Family.

Then, very softly, Maeve slipped her fingers through Selena's. The touch was gentle and soothing and comforting.

Selena glanced around her, at the faces drawn so close to hers, and felt an incredible tenderness swell in her heart. These people, whose names she couldn't remember for more than a few moments, had given her more than their unexpected gifts. They made her feel safe and cared for.

"Selena .. ." she said, searching for the other words she needed.

Andrew paused in his reading and looked at her. She felt all their eyes on her.