Maeve didn't look angry; she looked sad. "No," Selena said quietly, brushing a straggly, dirty lock of hair from Maeve's eyes. "Not mad. Hurt."

Maeve blinked slowly and a smile tugged at one corner of her mouth. Selena knew that Maeve was going to recognize her finally, going to speak to her. She smiled in encouragement.

Maeve gave her a full-fledged grin. "My husband's home. I can hear the carriage." She yanked up her heavy skirts and raced for the door, disappearing in less than a second.

"I'm goin' mad at last, myself," Edith said, shaking her head. "I can hear a carriage, too."

Andrew hurried to the window and wrenched the curtains aside. The still-dark sky filled the glass. "Someone's here."

Selena's heart seemed to stop. The moment spilled out, breathless with anticipation. A single word burned through her mind, filled her. "Ian," she whispered.

"It's Johann," Andrew said after a few moments. "He's alone."

Selena sagged in disappointment. Before she could muster the enthusiasm to speak, Andrew was beside her, clasping her hand, pulling her into the hallway.


"Come along, Selena, hurry. We need to speak to Johann."

They hastened down the steep stairway and rushed through the darkened foyer. At the door, Andrew paused. He jerked his outstretched hand back, plunged it in his pocket, as if the doorknob frightened him.

Selena reached past him and pulled the door open. Cool air swept into the house, brought with it a swirl of bright green leaves.

She stopped, awed by the feel of the breeze against her face, the smell of it. Her skirt fluttered against her ankles, hair whispered against her forehead.

The night-stained lawn pushed away from her, melted into the shadowy stand of trees. Bloodred streamers of dawn wafted across the distant horizon, a blurry cascade of fire in the darkness.

Johann slammed the coach door shut and walked up the path, his bootheels making a marvelous crunching sound with every step. "Better hurry back inside, Andrew. It'll be morning soon."

Andrew cocked his head toward Selena. His eyes bulged in silent communication.

"I see. You've found a companion at last" Johann laughed at his own wit. "Sort of brings Mary Shelley to mind, don't you think?"

"It's not what you think, Johann," Andrew said in a breathless voice.

Johann paused, cocked his hip, and stared at Selena. His gaze started at her small, bare toes sticking out from beneath her gown, traveling up her body slowly to the place where her bodice was ripped.

Selena felt an odd heat begin in her stomach.

Johann loosed a slow smile. One eyebrow cocked upward. "Her face is much improved, Andrew. And she looks to have an impressive set of tits."

Selena didn't understand everything he said, but she knew he'd said something about her face. No doubt he'd noticed how much better she looked.


"Shh," Andrew hissed. "She can understand you." Johann languidly lifted one arm and started straightening the lace at his sleeve. "Of course she does, Andrew, and I'm King George."

Selena immediately fell into a curtsy. Straightening slowly, she extended her right arm, wrist dipped, in greeting. She lowered her lashes in deference, as she'd been taught. "Your Highness."

Johann froze. The color faded from his cheeks and he shot a quick look at Andrew. "Holy shit."

Selena frowned. That wasn't the correct response. She must have done something incorrectly. She curtsied again and extended her arm. "Greetings, Your Highness."

Johann took her hand and kissed it. "Greetings, goddess," he said softly, looking at her over the ridge of her fingers. "Can you say something to me?"

Something about the way he looked at her made Selena uncomfortable. Her cheeks felt hot. "She can read," Andrew remarked. "She whatT Johann turned and went back to the carriage, reaching inside. Pulling a book out, he opened it to a random page. "Read this, goddess."

Selena focused on the words he'd pointed to, forcing herself to breathe deeply. " 'Keeps his pale court in beauty and decay. He came. Lost angel of ...' " She frowned, unable to read the last word. " 'Par ...' " "Paradise," Johann said quietly. She looked up and saw the genuine smile on Johann's gaunt face. "Paradise," she repeated.