Edith rolled her eyes. "This is all nonsense. But I shall teach her how to do housework. Assuming she doesn't burn the bloody house down, that should give her a way to earn a decent livin'. Ye needn't speak to be a good housekeeper."

"Don't need much of a brain, neither," the queen added.

Andrew seemed to think for a minute, then he grinned. "I don't have many necessary skills, but I can improve her vocabulary. I'll start by marking the items in the house and yard."

"But who's going to teach her to think?" Edith asked.

They all looked at each other b

lankly, from one to the other. Then, slowly, Lara raised her hand. "I will."

The queen heaved a sigh. "Phew. So it's all settled. Now, what shall she wear for teatime?" She glanced around the room and spied the bronze silk gown Maeve had left. "Ah, perfect." She picked up the dress and turned to Selena. "This shall do for today."

Selena stroked the soft fabric. "Silk."

"So it is."

Edith came forward, touched the buttons on Selena's


lawn nightdress. "Remember buttons ... how to unhook them?"

Selena understood. She unbuttoned her gown and whipped it over her head.

Naked, she grinned at the faces around her.

Andrew swallowed. His face turned scarlet. "Oh, Lord," he said in a thick, reedy voice.

"Get out, Andrew!" Edith screeched, motioning for the door.

He spun and scrambled out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Selena knew she'd done something wrong again, but she didn't know what it could possibly be. She'd unbuttoned her gown and undressed just as Edith had taught her. She looked at Edith. "Wrong?"

Edith nodded. "Don't get undressed in front of people. It isn't proper."

Selena looked at the faces around her. She thought that people meant more than one person, but obviously she was wrong. "People?"

"Andrew," Edith clarified. "Don't get undressed around Andrew."

"Oh," Selena said. There was something special about Andrew. "I understand."

"Good. Now, let's get you dressed."

Edith showed Selena how to tie her lace-edged knee-length drawers and slip into the flimsy chemise. Selena concentrated very carefully, making sure that the queen wrote down every motion required, so that Selena could read and reread it.

There were more clothes than she could have imagined. Selena repeated every word she heard at least twice, until she understood and remembered that the small brown items were boots and that the silken leg coverings were stockings.

"Next is the corset." Edith held up an hourglass-shaped white satin bodice with pink ribbons at the closure. It looked very stiff.


"Corset," Selena repeated, standing still as Edith fitted the garment over her breasts and beneath her arms.

"Hold on to the bed frame," Edith said, "and suck in a breath."

Selena did as she was told.