Page 152 of Waiting for the Moon

"Come in," she said.

The door opened and Maeve stood in the opening, wearing a pale mint green muslin dress and heavy black cape. "Follow me," she said with a grin.

Selena slipped her hand in Maeve's. "Where are we going?"

"Close your eyes."

Laughing, Selena did as she was told, and Maeve wrapped a heavy strip of black silk across her eyes, tying it tightly. Then Maeve led Selena down the hallway and down the stairs.

They came to a stop. "Maeve-"

"Surprise!" voices yelled out.

Maeve whipped off the blindfold, and Selena found herself standing in the parlor, with her family all around her. Dozens of apples lay scattered about the room, on the windowsills, the furniture, along the floorboards. Each apple held a single candle, their flames a hundred bright dots of gold against the tapestried walls. The pungent smell of apples and smoke filled the room.

All were dressed in their Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. Lara wore a white lace gown with a big red


velvet bow at her waist, the queen a regal purple satin gown, and Edith's pudgy body was wedged into a frothy confection of red and green silk. Ian and Johann and Andrew all wore black pants and coats with stark white shirts.

"Oh, my . . ." Selena said, drinking in the sight of them, memorizing this moment. Every nuance, every sound, every sight.

Ian strode across the room, held his bent arm out to her. "Milady, we would like to invite you to sup with us."

She gazed up at him. He looked heartbreakingly handsome in the evening clothes, his gold hair brushing against the black wool, his flame blue eyes sparkling. Her heart picked up its beat. "What are we doing, Ian?" He shook his head, and she saw the flash of sadness that darkened his eyes. Then it was gone. "Today is not a time for questions or sadness."

She understood suddenly. "Tomorrow," she whispered.

He nodded.

She slipped her arm through his and clung to him, pressing her cheek against the soft wool of his coat. "Yes," she whispered. "Make me forget tomorrow."

Johann picked up a golden wicker picnic basket, Lara swept up a handful of toys, Andrew picked up a violin, and Maeve grabb

ed a jug of wine. All talking at once, they crowded out of the room and walked across the crisp, snow-covered lawn, their feet crunching through the thick layer of frost on top.

They got halfway across the lawn and Selena stopped dead. She spun around and looked at Andrew, realizing for the first time that he was outside. In broad daylight. He grinned at her. "Hi, Selena." She pulled away from Ian and ran for Andrew, throwing her arms around him, knocking him to the ground in her exuberance.

Snow fluttered up around them, landed in tiny white


flakes on Andrew's jet black lashes and melted into silvery droplets of water. "I am so proud of you," she whispered.

Tears glazed his eyes. "Thanks, Selena."

After that moment, the day took on a magical quality. Selena and Andrew got back to their feet and held hands as she walked back to Ian.

Without a word, Andrew let go of her and rushed on ahead, laughing and chattering with the crowd as they melted into the darkness of the forest.

Selena stood at Ian's side, staring up at him, loving him more in that instant than she'd ever thought possible. "Ian-God," she breathed, knowing she didn't have to say more.

Smiling, he slipped his arm around her and drew her close. Talking quietly, they followed the family through the forest and out to the ledge of the cliffs. Below, the sea was a crashing white foam against the gray granite.

They spent the day together, clustered on a soggy woolen blanket, throwing rocks into the sea, playing catch, eating the cold, succulent food that Edith had prepared.

Gradually the pale sun sank into the distant gray haze that clung to the horizon. The keening cry of the seagulls gave way to the moaning whimper of the evening wind. A shadowy comma of moon appeared in the distance.