Page 106 of Night Road

The teacher had made him come over here. Grace could see the other kids huddled together across the beach, watching her and giggling. They thought it was funny that no one liked her.

“Ariel isn’t allowed to hopscotch. ”

Austin frowned. “Everyone’s allowed to play hopscotch. ”

“Not a princess. ”

“Your fake friend isn’t a princess. ”

“Shows what you know. ”

“You’re a big fat liar. ”

“Am not. ”

“Are too. ” He crossed his big arms across his chest.

Calm down, Gracerina. He’s just a bully.

“Your only friend is invisible,” Austin laughed.

Grace was on her feet before she could stop herself. “You take that back, lardo. ”

“Who’s gonna make me, you? Or your invisible friend?”

Grace punched him right in his piggy nose. He screamed like a baby and ran for the teacher.

Oh, boy.

Grace watched the kids huddle around Austin. They turned to point at her and then huddled again. Mrs. Skitter led Austin over to the ice chest, where she kept all her teacher stuff. In no time at all, Austin must have been fine, because he ran off to play hopscotch.

Here she comes.

Grace didn’t need Ariel to tell her she was in trouble. She leaned forward and rested her arms on her thighs.


She cocked her head up. Fine blond hair fell across her face. “Yeah?”

“May I sit down?”

Grace shrugged. “I guess. ”

“You know you shouldn’t have punched Austin in the nose. ”

“I know. And you’re gonna have to tell his parents. ”

“And your dad. ”

Grace sighed. “Yeah. ”

“I shouldn’t have sent him over. ”

“They don’t wanna play with me. And I don’t care. ”

“Everyone wants friends. ”

“I have Ariel. ”