Page 122 of Between Sisters

“You were always stronger than you thought. ”

Elizabeth gave her a so-are-you look. “You have to quit being afraid of love. Maybe this Joe is the place to start. ”

“He’s all wrong for me. I never sleep with men who have something to offer. ”

“You don’t ‘sleep’ with men at all. ”

“The bitch returns. ”

“Why is he so wrong?”

“He’s a mechanic in a small town. He lives in the run-down cabin that comes with the job. He cuts his hair with a pocket knife. Take your choice. Oh, and though he’s not much on decoration, he has managed to fill his place with photos of the wife who divorced him. ”

Elizabeth looked at her, saying nothing.

“Okay, so I don’t really care about that stuff. I mean the photos are creepy, but I don’t care about his job. And I sort of like Hayden. It’s a nice town, but . . . ”


In Elizabeth’s gaze, Meghann saw a sad understanding; it comforted her. “I left town without a word. Not even a good-bye. You can’t turn that around easily. ”

“You’ve never been one to go for the easy route. ”

“Except for sex. ”

“I never thought sex with strangers would be easy. ”

“It isn’t,” Meg said quietly.

“So, call him. Pretend you had business that called you away. ”

“I don’t know his number. ”

“What about the garage?”

“Call him at work? I don’t know. That seems kind of personal. ”

“I’m going to assume you gave this guy a blow job, but a phone call is too personal?”

Meghann laughed at that. She had to admit how weird it was. “I sound like a psycho. ”

“Yes. Okay, Meghann. Here’s what we’re going to do. And I mean it. You and I are going to drive up to the Salish Lodge tomorrow, where I’ve scheduled some spa treatments for us. We will talk and drink and laugh and plan a strategy. Before you complain, let me tell you that I’ve already called Julie and told her you’d be out of the office. When I leave, you’re going to drop me off at the airport and then head north. You will not stop until you reach Joe’s front door. Am I understood?”

“I don’t know if I have the guts. ”

“Do you want me to come with you? So help me, I will. ”

“This is why they call you women steel magnolias. ”

Elizabeth laughed. “Honey, you better believe it. You don’t evah want to tell a Southern girl that you won’t go after a good-looking man. ”

“I love you, you know. ”

Elizabeth reached for the pizza. “You just remember that phrase, Meg. Sooner or later, it’s going to come in handy again. Now, tell me about Claire’s wedding. I can’t believe she let you plan it. ”