They stared at each other, started to come together for a hug, and then backed off. They were like toys stuck in the pause mode, struggling to move.

"Its good to see you," he said.

"Its good to see you, too. "

An awkward pause settled between them, and suddenly Angie wished shed never walked over here, never said hello.

"How are you doing? Still in West End?"

"Im good. It seems I have a knack for the restaurant biz. Who knew?"

"Your dad," he said, reminding her with those two words how much he knew about her.

"Yeah. Well. Hows the news?"

"Good. Im writing a series on the freeway killer. Maybe youve read it?"

She wished she could say yes. Once, shed been his first reader on everything. "I kind of stick with local news these days. "

"Oh. "

Her heart was swelling now, starting to ache. It was beginning to hurt just standing so near him. She ought to leave while her dignity was intact. Instead, she found herself asking, "Are you by yourself?"

"No. "

She nodded; it was more a jerking tilt of the chin. "Of course not. Well, I better--" She turned to go.

"Wait. " He grabbed her wrist.

She stopped, looked down at his strong, tanned fingers, so stark against her pale wrist.

"How are you?" he asked, moving closer to her. "Really?"

She could smell his aftershave. It was the expensive Dolce & Gabbana brand shed bought him for Christmas last year. She looked up at him, noticed a tiny patch of black on his jaw where hed missed shaving. Hed always had that problem, he did everything in such a hurry. Angie had had to inspect his shave every morning. She wanted to reach up and touch his face, let her fingertip trail along his jaw. "Im okay. Better than that, really. I like being in West End again. "

"You always said youd never go home. "

"I said a lot of things. And I didnt say a lot of things. "

She saw the change that came over his face. A terrible sorrow seemed to pull at his mouth. "Dont, Ange--"

"I miss you. " She couldnt believe shed said it. Before he could respond (or not), she forced a smile. "Ive been hanging out with my sisters and being Auntie Angela again. Its fun. "

He laughed, obviously relieved by the change of subject. "Let me guess: Youve promised Jason to convince Mira that an eyebrow ring is okay. "

For a second it was like the old days between them. The good old days. "Very funny. I would never think an eyebrow ring is okay. Although he has mentioned a tattoo. "


Angie saw the blond thirty-something woman whod come up to Conlan. She wore a plain navy dress and a strand of pearls. Not a hair was out of place. She looked like the owner of a small, exclusive boutique.

"Angie, this is Lara. Lara, Angie. "

Angie forced a smile. It was probably absurdly overbright, but there was nothing she could do about that. "Its nice to meet you. Well. Id better run. " She started to rush away.

Conlan pulled her gently toward him. "Im sorry," he said quietly.

"For what?" She made herself laugh.