She clung to him. When she finally drew back, she was trembling.

"Where were you?" he asked, nuzzling her throat.

"Can we go somewhere to talk?"

"You heard, didnt you? Damn it, I told everyone I wanted to surprise you. "

She looked up at him, noticing suddenly how bright his eyes were, how broad his smile. He looked ready to start laughing at any moment. "I dont know what youre talking about. "

"Really?" If possible, his smile grew. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along behind him. They ran past the cafeteria and the library, then ducked into a shadowy alcove near the music room. The marching band was practicing. The staccato notes of "Tequila" stuttered onto the cold afternoon air.

He kissed her hard, then drew back, grinning. "Here. "

She stared down at the envelope in his hand. It had been ripped open. The upper edge was tattered. She took it from him and saw the return address.

Stanford University.

She barely breathed as she withdrew the letter and read the first line. Dear Mr. Haynes: We are pleased to offer you a place of admission . . .

Tears made it impossible to read the rest.

"Isnt it great?" he said, taking the letter from her. "Early decision rocks. "

"Its so early . . . no one else knows yet. "

"I guess Im just lucky. "

Lucky. Yeah. "Wow," she said, unable to look at him. There was no way she could tell him now.

"This is the beginning, Lauren. Youll get into USC or Berkeley, and well be on our way. Well be together every weekend. And holidays. "

She finally looked up at him. It felt as if miles separated them now, a distance as big as an ocean. Different colleges hardly seemed to matter. "Youre leaving tonight, arent you?" Even to her own ears, her voice sounded dull, wooden.

"Thanksgiving at Uncle Fredericks. " He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly, whispering, "Its only through the weekend. Then we can celebrate. "

She wanted to be happy for him. Stanford. It was what hed dreamed of. "Im proud of you, David. "

"I love you, Lauren. "

It was true. He loved her. And not in that silly high school I-just-want-to-get-laid way, either.

Yesterday that would have been enough; today she saw things differently.

It was easy to love someone when life was uncomplicated.

Last week Laurens biggest fear--and it had seemed Incredible Hulk big--had been not getting in to Stanford. Today that was the least of her worries. Soon, she would have to tell David about the baby, and from that moment on, nothing would be easy. Love least of all.

SOMEHOW LAUREN MADE IT THROUGH HER WEDNESDAY shift at the restaurant. Truthfully, she wasnt sure how she did it. Her mind was crammed so full, it didnt seem possible that she could remember a single order, let alone dozens.


She turned, found Angie standing there, smiling at her with a worried look in her eyes.

"We want you and your mother to come to Mamas house for Thanksgiving dinner. "

"Oh. " Lauren hoped her longing didnt show.

Angie moved closer. "Wed really like you to be there. "