Angie hadnt known that. She smiled, feeling like a proud parent.

"Think youre the next Woodward or Bernstein, huh?" the man said. "How are your grades?"

"Top six percent of the class. About a 3. 92 with lots of honors classes. "


"Last year I got a 1520. I took it again, though. Those scores arent in. "

"A score of 1520 is impressive enough. You do sports and volunteer in your community?"

"Yes. "

"And she works twenty to twenty-five hours a week," Angie put in.

"Impressive. "

Angie made her move. "Do you know William Layton?"

"The dean of the business school? Sure. Hes from around here, isnt he?"

Angie nodded. "I went to school with his daughter. What if he wrote Lauren a recommendation?"

The man looked at Lauren, then pulled a small brass carrier out of his back pocket. "Heres my card. You send your app. to me personally. Ill shepherd it through. " To Angie, he said, "A recommendation from Layton would really help. "

LAUREN STILL COULDNT BELIEVE IT. SHE KEPT BREAKING into laughter for no reason. Somewhere around Kelso, Angie had asked her to please stop saying thank you.

But how could she? For the first time in her life, shed been treated like Someone.

She had a chance at USC. A chance.

She looked at Angie. "Thanks. I mean it," she said again, bouncing in her seat.

"I know. I know. " Angie laughed. "You act like this is the first time anyones ever done you a favor. It was nothing. "

"Oh, it was something," Lauren said, feeling her smile fade. It meant so much to her, what Angie had done. For once, Lauren hadnt been on her own.


THE HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS WAS BUZZING WITH TALK today. It was the third week of November and the college admission application process was in high gear. Everyone was obsessed with college. It was in every conversation. Lauren had filled out all her financial aid and scholarship paperwork, gotten all her transcripts together, and written all her essays. And miracle of miracles, Angie had gotten her a recommendation from Dr. Layton at USC. She was beginning to believe she had a real shot at a scholarship.

"Did you hear about Andrew Wanamaker? His grandpa got him into Yale. Early decisions arent even out yet and he knows. " Kim Heltne leaned back against a tree, sighing. "If I dont get into Swarthmore, my dad will crap. He doesnt care that I hate snow. "

They were all sitting in the quad, eating lunch, the "gang" whod been best friends since freshman year.

"Id kill for Swarthmore," Jared said, rubbing Kims back. "Im supposed to go to Stone Hill. Another private Catholic school. Im afraid Ill go postal. "

Lauren lay back, rested her head in Davids lap. For once, the sun was shining and the grass was thick and dry. Even though it was cold out, the sun warmed her cheeks.

"Its Moms alma mater for me," Susan said. "Yippee. William and Mary, here I come. This high school is bigger than the college. "

"Hows it going for you, Lauren? Any word on scholarships?" Kim asked.

Lauren shrugged. "I keep filling out the paperwork. One more why-I-deserve-it essay and I might scream. "

"Shell get a full ride," David said. "Hell, shes the smartest kid in the school. "

Lauren heard the pride in Davids voice as he said it; normally that would have made her smile, but now, as she stared up at his chin, all she could think about was their future. Hed applied to Stanford, and it was a foregone conclusion that hed be accepted. The thought of being separated from him chilled her more than the November weather, and he didnt seem to worry about it at all. He was sure of their love. How did a person come by that kind of certainty?