"I will." She turned slightly to face Killian again. "It is a dangerous journey," she whispered. A tiny frown pulled at her mouth.


nbsp; Lainie knew instantly that Viloula was withholding something. "What are you hiding from us, Vi?"

Viloula flinched at the question, drew in a fluttery breath. Her eyes took on a glassy, faraway look, and Lainie was somehow certain that the old woman was reliving the vision. "Dere will be a deal'," she said finally in a dull, quiet voice.

Lainie shivered. There will be a death. "Whose?"


"I doan know."

"Perfect," Killian said, leaning back in his chair.

Viloula ignored him and looked at Lainie. "It is all up to you, Alaina. You need to believe.. .."

"Believe in what?"

Viloula closed her eyes and sank back into the bed. "I doan know dat, eit'er. Maybe in destiny ... maybe in love ... maybe in yourself."

For a long time, neither Killian nor Lainie spoke. Then, finally, he pushed to his feet. "I'm exhausted, Lainie. I'm going back to the cabin to get some sleep. Are you coming?"

"I think I'll stay here a second longer."

After Killian left the cabin, Viloula's eyes cracked open. "Is he gone?"

Lainie nodded. "Yeah."

Viloula released a weary sigh. "You and Killian must leave in de morning."

Lainie shook her head. "He's sending Skeeter as my guide. Killian's not going anywhere."

Viloula frowned harshly, her gray lips puckering. "Wit'out Killian, maybe dere is no destiny, no doorway." She wagged a gnarled finger at Lainie. "You doan go nowhere wit' Skeeter, child. It is Killian dat must take you."

"Jesus," Lainie sighed. "It just gets worse and worse. I can't make Killian take me anywhere."

Viloula reached out, curled her bony fingers around Lainie's hand, squeezing. "Dat boy want to take you, Alaina. Trust an old woman to see what de young ones cannot. He want to take you, he just afraid. You know what dat is like."

"Yeah," she said softly. "I know what it's like to be afraid."

Viloula squeezed her hands again, drew her close.




"Remember what I tole you. Your lesson ... dat is de doorway to de future, not some rock."

Lainie tried to smile, but couldn't manage it. "I hope I figure out my cosmic failing before I get there."

"You know de lesson, Lainie. In your heart, you know it."

Lainie leaned forward. "Come with me, Vi."

Viloula shook her head. "It is no journey for an old woman."