She wished it weren't too late, wished she could have taken the time to see Killian one last time, look in his eyes. Maybe she would have seen the past, maybe she would have seen the future. And maybe she would have seen nothing but a dark reflection of her own confusing needs and wants.

She didn't know. Would never know.

Frowning, she stepped back from the window and let the curtain shudder back in place.


Unfortunately, it was time to go. She had no choice. Viloula hadn't come up with a way out of here, and Killian obviously wasn't going to help her.

As usual, everything was up to Lainie. And she wouldn't let Kelly down. Straightening, she went to the door, grabbed the latchstring, and pulled the door open.

"Pssst. Skeeter," she hissed through the barely open door. "Psst."

The scrawny cowhand scratched his butt and looked around. "Huh?"

Lainie cracked the door open a little wider, enough so that he could see her. She pasted a sugary smile on her face. For this plan to work, she had to be what she'd rarely been in her life. Feminine and helpless.

"Oh!" he said, his voice spiking up an octave. "It's you."

"Skeeter, I seem to have misplaced my compass." She said it airily, as if she were a lady who'd just dropped a handkerchief. "Would you mind getting me another?"

"Whaddaya need a compass for?"

"I'm practicing for the Olympics."

His face creased slowly into a frown. She brightened her smile and tried to look as vague as possible. "Surely you know what the Olympics are...."

He puffed up, threw his narrow chest out. "Course I do."

She nodded. "Then you'll get me the compass?"

He dug into his baggy pants pocket. "Actually, I got one right here. You c'n borrow it iffen you want."

She reached out, closed her fingers around the compass, and snaked her find back. "Thank you, Skeeter. You're a real gentleman." She started to close the door, then stopped. "You know, Skeeter ..." She batted her


eyelashes and brought a fluttery hand to her throat. "I'm sorely parched."

He brightened. "You, too? Hell, I'm thirsty as a dead dog on a summer day."

"The problem is, Killian took the only bottle of whiskey. Maybe you could run on down to your place and get us something...."

He cast a furtive glance sideways. "I dunno. The boss tole me to stand here."

"You could come right back. I wouldn't tell him you left. I swear I wouldn't."

He glanced down the deserted street. "It ain't far to my place. I could be back in a second."

"Who'd notice an itty bitty slip of time like that?"

He looked down at the drinking tent at the end of the road, then at his own tent half as far away. "Okay," he whispered, leaning close. "I'll get us a bottle and be right back."

She licked her lips and smiled. "I can taste it already."

Skeeter dragged his hat lower on his head and started for his own tent, moving cautiously, jumping at every shadow.

Lainie spun into high gear. She grabbed the knapsack she'd packed and the full canteen and slung them over her shoulder.