"Christ," he cursed softly, and rubbed his tired eyes, shaking his head. He was losing his mind. Pretty soon he was going to start believing that bullshit about time travel and soul mates and love that lasts forever.

He backed into his cabin and shut the door. Shadows rushed in and cut off the weak heat of the morning sunlight. Dust filtered down onto his head from the timbered rafters.

He had to stay away from her. He knew it, believed it with every bit of rationality in his mind. If he was smart, he'd throw her on the back of a horse and take her to Fortune Flats, then put her on a train bound for anywhere.

Vaya con Dios, crazy lady.

She could tell Joe Martin whatever she wanted about Killian's Ridge. The law knew everything there was to know about it anyway. She couldn't hurt him with her words.

But she could kill him with her eyes. There was a darkness inside her, a pain that mirrored his own.

It was that understanding, that empathetic knowledge, that scared the hell out of him. He'd never felt it for another human being except Emily, and that had taken years to develop. Yet he'd felt it for Lainie from the moment he'd seen her lying on the desert floor, bound, gagged, and vulnerable.

No doubt about it. He ought to stay the hell away from her.

But he wouldn't. He knew that. Because today when she'd looked up at him through those teary, frightened eyes and asked for help, he'd felt something. Something he hadn't felt in years. For a second, he'd almost wanted to say yes.


And with that thought, that realization, he was plunged back into the cold darkness of a hell he thought he'd walked away from years ago.

Chapter Thirteen

"Come here, Alaina. I will make you a cup of tea."

Lainie barely heard the words. She stood at the window, her arms wrapped tightly around herself, her eyes aching with tears that wouldn't fall. Sunlight had long since erupted over the mesa top, gilding the ridge. Heat pushed through the dirty glass and traced her cheeks, but still she was cold inside. So cold.

Viloula took ahold of her elbow and maneuvered her to a chair. Lainie let herself be led, too tired to fight it. The strong, humid scent of boiling water filled the tiny cabin, gave it a homey feel.

Viloula went to the stove, then returned with a cup of steaming hot tea and a piece of cold corn bread smothered in butter. "Eat dis."

Viloula sat down at the table across from Lainie, scooting close. "You look so unhappy, child," she said in a tired voice.

"Wouldn't you be?"

Viloula closed her eyes and nodded slowly. "You must love her very much."

Lainie squeezed her eyes shut, battling tears.

"Maybe dat's what dis is all about," Viloula said quietly. "Just somet'ing simple. Like love."

Lainie opened her eyes. "I don't think I'm up to talk-J55


ing about this craziness anymore, Vi. Just give me a second, okay?"


Viloula took a sip of her tea, then set her cup down with a clink. She eased the spectacles down her nose and peered at Lainie above the bent metal rim. A gentle smile curved her thin lips.

Lainie felt a jolt of hot emotion at the look. She'd never seen one like it before, though she'd waited all her life for it and long ago given up. It was the loving glance of a mother to a daughter, a caring concern that warmed a place inside of Lainie, a place that had been cold and dark and lonely for years.

"I saw you looking at my necklace before," Viloula said quietly. "You like it?"

Too shaken to do anything else, Lainie lowered her gaze to the stunning jewel at Viloula's throat. The lavender stone glimmered with hidden light. "It's beautiful."

"It is much more dan dat." She leaned forward. "It is a magic necklace."