Page 94 of Awakening Veronica

At one point, they paired up into teams, one playing the aggressor and one playing the defender, to practice the steps but not to actually tussling, before switching places. The group happened to be an odd number of women and Veronica wound up with Wyatt as her partner.

He’d put his arms around her from behind, demonstrating a typical aggression tactic. He was a big, strong man, and although it gave her sweaty palms, she was listening to his instruction and asking a question as Hank strode over to them. “I’ll take over with her, Wyatt.”

Wyatt frowned and didn’t seem inclined to release her. “That’s okay, Hank, I think I’ve got it under control. I was explaining how she can easily break out of—”

Hank bristled and said, “I’m going to ask once more, nicely, Wyatt. Let my woman go.”

Wyatt’s released her instantly. “Sorry, Hank. I didn’t know. Wow, I didn’t realize you were dating. Wait. Is this—” He pointed at her and grinned, “I heard you and Travis—”

By this point, they’d drawn the attention of the rest of the class. Grace and Grandma Kate looked amused, Charity and Rachel were gigglesnorting their asses off, and several other women they didn’t know were all watching with great interest. Wyatt clued into that next and whispered, “Shit, boss. Sorry. My big mouth.”

“What do I keep telling ya, Wyatt?”

“Discretion, sir. Sorry, ma’am.” He backed away and tried to distract the class by explaining another maneuver to them.

Veronica turned to Hank and whispered, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause a scene.”

Hank smiled at her and shook his head. “You didn’t. The big lummox did, and I suppose I sort of helped by going all caveman on him.” When Wyatt called for volunteers, Hank said, “Why don’t you come with me and we’ll demonstrate for the class.”

Veronica didn’t like being the center of attention but this was a fairly friendly group and it’d always been Veronica’s tendency to learn best by doing.

After a few minutes as his combat partner, she felt like she’d learned something. Plus, she got to get close to a sweaty, sexy man she was extremely interested in so it was all good.

At one point, he got her into a hold and challenged her to get out of it. None of the others were around, he had his arms around her, and she put up a mock struggle as she looked up at him behind her and whispered, “This is kind of turning me on. Just so you know.”

Hank released her and said, “I think you’ve had enough instruction for one night.”

Looking innocent, she smiled up at him. “What? You don’t want to tussle with me anymore?”

Hank bent close and with a chuckle, replied, “If you keep talking like that I’m going to have to explain the tent pole in my sweat pants. You just earned yourself a spanking tonight when we get home.”

She grinned and laughed. “Yes, sir, Hank. Any way you want it, sir.”

Chapter Fifteen

Hank walked into his house the following Tuesday night, and the first thing he heard was the sound of Veronica weeping. He found her curled up in his desk chair, her headphones on, crying her eyes out in front of her computer. Worry filled him as he took off his hat and rushed over to her, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Jumping as though she’d been electrocuted, she let out a terrified scream guaranteed to wake the dead. The desk chair rolled suddenly and she lost her balance and would’ve toppled out of it if he hadn’t caught her. She looked up at him with wild eyes and her bawling immediately turned to laughter as she reached for him.

“I’m sorry, Nika,” he said, chuckling, hoping his heart settled back to a normal rhythm soon.

She laughed again as she blotted her eyes and said, “No, I’m sorry. I become oblivious when I put my headphones on. Look!”

She pointed at the computer screen and then put her arms up in the air like a referee calling a touchdown.

He looked at the two words typed there. “‘The End.’ Hey! Congratulations, Nika. You had me worried. I thought we were going to have to go kick someone’s ass when I heard you crying as I walked in.”