Page 64 of Awakening Veronica


“Yes, angel,” he said as he lifted off of her and looked down at where they were joined. “Fuck me, that’s beautiful. Take my cock, Nika, take it all.” Each long thrust plunged him deeper and deeper inside her until his hips were pounding against her and he gritted his teeth and then muttered, “Let go for me, angel.”

The floodgates fell and her orgasm rushed upon her like a massive wave, stealing her breath and her power of speech. Travis closed his eyes and the expression on his handsome face and the sounds he made told her he’d found his release as well.

Deep voices echoed around her for a few seconds, or a few minutes, she wasn’t sure, and she smiled when she heard Hank say, “The way she sounds…it’s enough to make me come just listening to her.”

She nuzzled Travis back as he kissed her throat and rocked his pelvis against hers, his cock still fully embedded inside her. “Doing okay?”

“Mmmm,” was all she could manage as she lifted her hips to his and squeezed him inside of her. Her body tingled and she drew a deep breath as he slowly withdrew from her, sounding reluctant to leave the tight clasp of her body. He gazed at her for a moment and then kissed her, a tender touch between the two of them, and whispered, “That was better than any fantasy I’ve ever had about you, Nika.”

As she smiled, the tears crested and rolled onto her temples and she let her eyelids slide closed as she stole one more kiss from him before he made room for Hank to come close. Her heart ached as all her memories of Travis and her fantasies about him in the ensuing years were all redeemed and made better by reality.

The bed shifted near her head and she looked up into Hank’s gray eyes. He’d braced a hand near her head and he was looking closely at her in the candlelight. “Having a moment?”

She hiccupped and said, “Uh-huh. I’m okay.” A sob slipped from her as the barrage of images flashing through her mind. Travis smiling down at her with those warm brown eyes when she was eighteen. The way she’d soaked up his kindness toward her even when she’d been upset with him about the eagle. She’d developed more than just a crush on him. She’d fallen in love with him that day. And the way her brothers and their friends had cornered her and teased her about Travis—not once but many times—and how they’d succeeded in driving her even further into her shell. Until she’d completely disconnected from them. Until their presence made her feel nothing at all, not even hate. This beautiful closeness seemed to bring all the hurtful images, the things they’d said to her, bubbling to the surface where she couldn’t ignore them or the way they’d made her feel.

Making love with Travis had surpassed her fantasies but it’d also lanced an old wound. Her face grew hot and she tugged at the bindings, wanting to put her hands to her face to hide. Words failed her and all she could do was whimper.

She could hear the worry in his voice when Travis said, “Untie her. She may be having a panic attack.”

Through her tears, she looked up at Hank, helpless, and saw the concern in his eyes as he tugged at the bindings on her wrists, freeing her arms as the cool satin of the ties slid loose. Hank brushed at her tears as Travis swept her hair back from her face.

“Nika, did I hurt you?”

She hiccupped again and turned her head to look at Travis and shook it negatively. “N–No, not at all.” She bit her lip, unsure how much to share, knowing that she was putting a damper on their first night together with her tears and emotionalism.

The two of them crowded in around her, sharing the space, and Hank said, “Tell us, Nika.”

“No. It’s just me being emotional. I don’t want to go into all that drama from years ago.”

“Tell us, Nika,” Travis murmured in a firmer tone as he clasped her hand with warm reassurance, and they waited.

She let it all out, fighting the urge to curl into a protective little ball. She knew she’d ruined the romantic mood when she saw Hank and Travis’s intense expressions. “See? I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“I thought the teasing about me was isolated to just that day I came by,” Travis said, stroking her knuckles.