Page 56 of Awakening Veronica

“Well, my goodness, Tabitha. Are they out in the streets with it?” She gripped her wallet to her chest and looked over her shoulder as if she was watching out for mother-rapers and father-stabbers running loose in the streets. Seth happened to look her way, and when he saw who she was talking to, he shook hands with his friend and offered apologies before he strode across the shop.

“We’re having a meeting tonight at the Community Church on Crockett Street if you’d like to come.”

“Oh, I can’t drive at night, dear.” She pointed up at her reading glasses.

“I’d be happy to come and get you if you tell me your address.”

“Everything all right, here?” Seth asked in a low, warning tone.

Tabitha looked askance at him and a scowl drew her crookedly penciled eyebrows together before she turned back to Kate. “Do you know him?” Her lips twisted into a pucker like she’d gotten a whiff of the cat box odor on her cardigan.

Kate smiled and took Seth’s arm as he offered it. Patting his vividly tattooed forearm, she said, “This is my grandson.” Tabitha looked a little confused, and Kate was having too much fun to resist. “I’m staying at the Divine Creek Ranch, dear. Do you know where that is? What time should I expect you?”

Tabitha’s lips flapped as her face turned an even brighter hue that reminded Kate of beet salad. “Divine Creek Ranch! But you—don’t you know—”

Dropping the act, Kate said, “Yes, dear, I ‘know’ very well, and more than you do, apparently. And you should know that high horse you’re riding makes your ass look positively enormous.” Kate heard a distinct snort of amusement from behind the coffee shop counter but Cassie didn’t look their way.

Kate turned to Seth who wore a smirk and allowed him to lead her giggling from Divine Drip.

“If Gerald and Patrick Benedict were alive today, I’d get a spanking for that. Hee-hee!”

“I’ll bet you kept your men busy, didn’t you, Grandma Kate?”

“Busier than one-armed wallpaper hangers.”

“You were a pistol in your day, weren’t you?”

“I was indeed, sweetheart. Still am, actually.”

Seth’s laughter rumbled in his chest as he helped her put her riding jacket back on and then helped her with her helmet. His piercing blue gaze searched hers for a moment as he adjusted the chin strap and then lifted her into the seat. He climbed on in front of her, taking care to not clip her with his boot and started the motorcycle. “Kate?”

“Yes, Seth.”

“I’m proud to be your grandson.”

Grandma Kate patted his shoulder and waved to Tabitha Lester as they drove off toward his home.

The fact that Seth was quiet didn’t mean he didn’t have anything to say. Unless it involved Jayne or Toby, he kept his feelings to himself.

Kate prayed that if Veronica found happiness with Hank and Travis, that they understood that she also possessed qualities that made her unique and allowed her to be herself.

Remembering the business cards she’d slid into her wallet, Kate’s mood grew somber. “That woman is trouble, Seth. I can’t understand people like that and I feel horrible that any of you have to deal with her.” Appreciation for her beloved Lusty, Texas increased with her words.

“She’s crazy. I don’t give her the time of day because I know she wants attention. She’s also sneaky. She laid into Jayne last fall, in public, but she waited to do it while I wasn’t around.”

“Poor Jayne. That sweet girl—”

“Trust me, my sweet girl can handle that crazy-ass bitch. We both know her day is coming. Life’s too short for us to sacrifice our peace or happiness over someone else’s bitterness. Ace and Kemp are already looking at her.”

“Ace and Kemp? Oh, my goodness. Her ass is grass, isn’t it, Seth?”

“Yes, indeed it is.”

“I heard that Kemp’s quite handy with the duct tape.”

“I heard that rumor, too.”

* * * *

Veronica took the stack of plates Grace held out to her and carried them into the dining room to set on the table while Grace placed fresh white tapers in the candle holders.