Page 110 of Awakening Veronica

Cassie said, “I was behind the counter and heard him asking but I was busy so I’m not sure what they said. You know how noisy and crazy it gets in here in the morning.”

“It was this morning?”

Cassie nodded. “Yes, sir. He sat at a booth for a while and then the next time I looked he was gone.”

“Could you describe him?” After she did, he looked at Veronica for her reaction. The most gratifying part of the moment was her marked lack of agitation as she nodded. “Sounds like I may get to meet Brent after all.”

Veronica replied, “I can’t imagine how he got the money and the time off from work to come down here, whether he flew or drove.”

“We’ll deal with him if he shows up.” Dealing with the online stalker had strengthened Veronica’s belief that they could stand up to bullies together.

“Mmm,” Veronica said as she sipped her coffee and then peeled the paper off of her cupcake. “Cassie, how am I supposed to eat this gorgeous creation?”

Cassie giggled and said, “Just take a giant bite while it’s still fresh. Enjoy, folks,” she added as she went behind the counter to tend to another customer.

“Nika, how would you like to spend Thanksgiving at Grace’s? She’s invited the three of us to come over. Your Grandma Kate will be there, too, so I’m told.”

Veronica licked at the icing on her cupcake, distracting him with her slick, pink tongue, and then said, “I’d like that. I think I actually feel the holiday spirit coming on. That hasn’t happened since I can’t remember when. Do you have any Christmas decorations at home?”

Hank nodded. “Yes. There’s a bunch of decorations in boxes at home. If you’d like, you can go through all of it and see if you’d like to put any out on display. My mother’s Christmas village is also stored in the second bedroom.”

“Your mom?”

Hank nodded. “Yeah, she passed away about ten years ago, right after my dad.”

Veronica frowned and said, “Any other family?”

Hank shrugged. “Cousins here and there around the country but no one who’s really stayed in touch. You and Travis are my family now…and Divine, of course.”

Veronica blushed as she pulled the cupcake apart and gave him a bite and said, “I would love to decorate your house for Christmas.”

“Nika, you decorate my house any time you’re in it.”

Veronica giggled and nudged his shoulder with hers. “Stop.”

He kissed her temple, and after they’d finished their snacks, they headed to Batson’s Grocery Store for steaks and shrimp to put on the grill for supper that night. Travis was expected home within the next couple of hours and they planned to celebrate erasing her cyber stalker and bully from her life.

Chapter Seventeen

From her spot in front of the fireplace in the den, Travis heard Veronica giggle as she unwrapped another baby Jesus. “I think there must be five different nativity scenes in this box, Hank.” She looked beautiful with the firelight flickering on her naked form as she perched on the towel he’d folded for her to sit on. Her little feet were crossed behind her and he had a delectable view of her bare, shapely backside. He was glad she’d become comfortable remaining nude while in the house.

Hank chuckled from the kitchen, where he was rinsing the dinner dishes while Travis wiped down the kitchen island and the counters. They’d cooked supper for her and cleaned up afterward, sending her into the den to investigate the contents of the numerous boxes that Hank had brought out of storage. He’d told her she could put out as much or as little as she wanted of the Christmas ornaments and offered to go shopping for a fresh Christmas tree after Thanksgiving, if she wanted to decorate it, too. Travis had been moved by the blush in her cheeks and the mistiness in her eyes as she smiled and nodded at him. They’d make this the best damned Christmas ever for her, to make up for all the ones she’d missed.

In answer to her earlier declaration, Hank said, “Mom collected nativity scenes, too. There’s even one in there that I made for her when I was in sixth grade.”

“I found it. She wrote your name and the year on the bottom of each piece. It’s my favorite,” she replied softly as she kept working.