Page 67 of Awakening Veronica

Travis stroked her back, using a light, ticklish stroke, judging by her soft shudders of delight and the occasional moan or giggle. She reacted to his touch with gentle squeezes around his cock as well and he knew he needed to pull out before she succeeded in making him hard again. She wasn’t used to his size yet and her body needed a rest before she took him again.

“How long can you stay?”

Travis caught his eyes and Hank said, “I have to work in the morning but Travis is on vacation.”

Travis said, “I can make breakfast for you if you’d like, Nika.”

“’Kay,” she mumbled. “Hank?”

Hank kissed her forehead as he slowly slid his already semierect cock from her and said, “I can stay but I’ll have to leave pretty early.”

“I understand. I have to get up in a minute and get some writing done so I can say good-bye to you when you go. Right now I’m gonna rest my eyes for a minute.”

Both men chuckled as she drifted off, softly mumbling to herself about what she needed to do. Concerned for her, he gently rolled her to her back, and before he covered her up, he checked her pussy. He’d tried his best to be careful but she was pink and swollen, and definitely going to be sore in the morning. She moaned sexily when Hank caressed her pussy lips and her clit, and droplets of her cum seeped from her opening onto his fingers. Travis echoed the rumble in his chest as Hank slid his fingers over his tongue and tasted her sweet honey again.

Hank smiled at Travis in sympathy, noting that he was granite hard again simply from watching Hank check her. Hank chuckled softly and pointed at his rapidly enlarging dick. “You’re on your own there, Fishcop.”

Travis flipped him the bird and grinned as he arranged a pillow and got comfortable with her while Hank went in the bathroom to ditch the condom. He stopped and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror.

He saw this same face every morning when he shaved. Saw the silver that was rapidly gaining real estate at his temples, the most obvious sign that he was no longer a young buck in his prime. But what he saw in the gray eyes staring back at him got his attention. A fire burned there he hadn’t seen in a while. He might have snow on the roof before long but the fire in the furnace was burning bright as ever.

* * * *

Travis got up when Hank did and put on a pot of coffee for the two of them. As he was sitting at the table with him while they waited for the coffee to finish brewing, Travis asked, “Sleep much?”

“Like the dead. It was nice having her cuddled up between us.”

That was the thought ricocheting around in Travis’s head during the night. He was a light sleeper and he’d been aware of both of them in the bed with him, but especially Veronica. He’d had a hard time not reaching out and touching her to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. He’d contented himself with burying his nose in her hair so he could breathe her in. “I could get used to sleeping with her every night.”

Hank ran his fingers through his hair and smiled. “Me, too. She’s really something.”

“I don’t want to hurt her. I don’t think I want her to go back to Montana either.”

“That’s not up to us.”

“I know. I also don’t want her to wake up one morning and think she’s bitten off more than she can chew with us and wind up hightailing it out of here.”

Hank nodded. “Seems like we all have irons in the fire that need tending. See what comes of your meeting later this week. I have a decision to make about running for another term. Let’s take it one day at a time and not push too hard. At least she’s staying for a bit longer.”

“Yeah, I’m glad Grandma Kate is, too. She’s a character. If she stays, Veronica is more likely to stay.”

“True,” Hank murmured as he got up and poured a mug of coffee for each of them and returned to the table. “After hearing what she told us last night, I’m inclined to think that family doesn’t mean the same thing to the Montana Benedicts as it does to the Lusty Benedicts. I can’t picture any of the men I’ve met who are from Lusty tolerating that kind of nonsense in their families. Just so you know, I’m going to sit down with Ace and Kemp at lunch today about those online chats.”