Page 136 of Awakening Veronica

Remembering Hank’s class, she wriggled like a fish trying to turn and loosen his hold and managed to plant an elbow in the intruder’s solar plexus but it was a weak hit and succeeded only in her being thrown on the bed facedown with his weight on top of her.

Real fear sank in and she screamed for Hank and Travis, cold panic traced over her skin like cold fingers and hysteria clawed at her throat, making her cries sound weak.

The intruder growled softly and fumbled with something before a warm hand settled between her bare shoulder blades and held her down.

“Nika,” Hank’s voice spoke softly, slowly. “Calm.” She sobbed in relief and stilled. Warm lips laid a single kiss at the base of her neck. “What is your safe word?”


“And your slow word?”


“Do you want to use either now?”

Breathing through her nose, she listened to her body. Her heart rate had already begun returning to a less panicked level, her heel throbbed but not unbearably. His hold was tight but not painful.

“No, I don’t.”

Hank’s evil chuckle sent a thrill up her spine as he roughly bound her hands and ankles, gagged her, and blindfolded her. He placed a rubber squeak toy in her hand and closed her hand around it tightly.

“If you need to use your slow word or safeword at any time, get our attention with this squeak toy. Nod your head so I know that you understand.”

She nodded and then gasped when he picked her up. She wanted to ask how he could see her nod in the pitch-black house but couldn’t.

Her heart pounded as he carried her naked through the house, understanding setting in.

Her capture fantasy. They were making it come true on their wedding night. Her heart thumped with love and then she frowned around the gag.

What? You’re just going to go quietly? Some captive you are!

Struggling against him, she struck him on the shoulder with her bound hands, earning an amused grunt for her effort.

“That the best you can do, sweet cheeks?” He was encouraging her and she went wet as she continued fighting him. Despite trying hard to get free, he had her immobilized as he walked out the door, with her stark naked.

Another voice came from outside the door. “We have a fighter this time?” It was Travis but he sounded rough. Aggressive. She went even wetter for him. “The house was supposed to be empty. I didn’t find much of value. Maybe we’ll just share her.”

Hank’s reply was an appreciative laugh. “She’s a fighter. We may keep her.”

Stepping up her efforts, she kicked out on the direction of Travis’s voice, trying not to giggle, and Travis said, “Damn. She’s got spirit, huh? Think we can tame her?” She felt a hot hand slide up the inside of her calf, past her knee before she squirmed away from him. He didn’t need to know how drenched she was already.

“Let’s get her somewhere private first, where we can get a better look at her.”

“Yeah, and I have rope at the camp, too.”

Rope? Oh hell yes!

She bucked and hollered through the gag, happy that Hank had sixty acres and no close neighbors. Hank laid her on a blanket in the back of his Suburban and one of them tied her hands to something stationary in the back of the vehicle while the other grabbed her flailing feet and tied them down as well. A hand squeezed her hand that held the toy as if to remind her it was there and she should use it if she needed to. She growled at him and struggled more. Travis chuckled, admiration in his voice. “She’s a wild one, all right.”

“Good. I don’t like them easy anyway,” Hank muttered before closing her in. She tried to keep track but eventually the turns and stops and starts confused her. They traveled in silence for about twenty minutes before finally stopping.

The backdoor opened and they freed her from whatever she was tied to and she was lifted, still bound hand and foot from the vehicle. She felt the heat from a fire—a big fire—licking at her skin. They carried her to a soft pallet laid out on the ground near the fire. They stood on either side of her and then knelt down.

“She’s fucking beautiful,” Travis said in a gruff voice as his hand traced up her inner thigh. She squeezed her thighs closed and tried to roll from him.