Page 120 of Awakening Veronica

“Tabby! Tabby!” the voice hollered again, getting closer, then echoed by two other deep voices.

“Tabby Cat!”


Her resolve to stand up to the gathering of polyamorous pervert lovers suddenly shriveled as she was met face-to-face with her sinful past. She spun, took one look at the gutless followers cowering behind her, darted through the crowd, and broke into a run as the crowd began to snicker and laugh.


Tabby Cat!”

“Pussy girl! Come back! We still looooooove you!”

“We love you! We’ll take better care of you this time, just the three of us! We’re sooorrryyyy!”

Stubby Joe, who was anything but stubby anywhere on his body. Black Mike, with hair like a raven’s wing and a big and many-times-broken nose. And Big Dick, who—well—his name was appropriate if her memory was accurate.

She glanced back and gaped when she saw the now gray-bearded bikers break through the crowd, spot her, and pursue her down Main Street at a dead run. Oh, they’d catch her for sure now! She tossed the picket sign in the air and ran as fast as she could around the corner.

Oh, her mother was going to have a conniption fit if they chased her all the way home!

Her mother and father had caught her pining over a picture of the three men and found a letter she’d tried to write to them and they’d taken it upon themselves to contact their preacher who had come to her and cleansed her of her sins. He’d browbeaten the devil right out of her until she knew she’d done wrong going with them.

She’d moved to Divine, where her parents had lived, joined her church, and starting teaching bible study with her best friend, Elizabeth Owen.

She’d fallen in everlasting love from afar with her boss, Clay Cook, only to have him stolen right from under her by that Lily…into a polyamorous relationship with his brother, Del, no less.

She’d pined for Patrick Owen after Elizabeth conveniently vacated herself from his life for a prison cell—stupid wench. And just when she’d thought the time was right to voice her affection for him and that unruly boy of his, Lucy had come along and snatched up both him and Beck O’Malley. No one woman deserved two men who were so sinfully delicious.

Those women were man-eaters, scooping up more men than they deserved. Tabitha deserved them. She did. Though, they’d never come close to her memories of the three that she’d run from in order to escape the hell her parents had convinced her was awaiting her if she didn’t fight the temptation.

She’d found that picture of Stubby Joe, Black Mike, and Big Dick and had kept it hidden. A reminder of her sinful, ugly past. A reminder of how close she came to hell’s fire. A reminder of everything she’d ever wanted and could never have. It was wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

That word echoed with each rapid step in her sensible shoes until she finally reached her mother’s front stoop, the men hot on her heels. Her mother was standing on the porch, disapproval pursing her shriveled miserable lips, and hellfire burning in her eyes.

“Oh, Lord! What now!”

* * * *

Veronica craned her neck as she watched the three leather-clad bikers chase Tabitha Lester down the street, calling after her at the top of their lungs. “Can someone tell me what just happened?”

The amused crowd dispersed and their group of friends, who had been victimized and demonized by that woman for so long, gathered as Charity began to laugh.

Lucy suddenly squealed and turned to Val Teller, Justin’s cousin. “You finally remembered where you knew Tabitha Lester from, didn’t you?”

Val pushed his sunglasses up, revealing beautiful chocolaty-brown eyes and long eyelashes and said, “Yeah. It’d been a long time since I’d seen her and she’d changed a lot. She hung around with a good friend of mine. Stubby Joe, from Austin. He had it bad for Tabitha when she was younger. Really bad. But he had this situation. He’s bisexual and he was also in love with Black Mike and Big Dick.”

Charity snorted with laughter. “I’m sorry. That gets me every time I hear it. Go ahead, hon.” Justin smacked her butt for interrupting Val and then kissed her when she feigned a protest before she giggled again.