Page 76 of Winter Garden

“You were the one who took me trick-or-treating when Dad was working, remember? You always made my costume. And remember, when I tried out for cheerleader, you helped me with my routine for weeks, and when I made it you were happy for me, even though you hadn’t made the squad when you tried out? And when Sean Bowers asked me to the prom, you were the one who told me not to trust him. We might not have had much in common, but we were sisters. ”

Meredith had forgotten all of that, or at least, she hadn’t thought of it in years. “That was a long time ago. ”

“I went away and left you. I get it. And Mom is not an easy person to be left with. And we don’t know each other very well, but I’m here now, Mere. ”

“I see you. ”

“Do you? Because frankly, you’ve been a bitch the last few days. Or maybe not a bitch, just kind of mopey, and one woman who won’t talk to me at dinner is pretty much my quota. ” Nina leaned forward. “I’m here and I miss you, Mere. It’s like you don’t want to look at me or talk to me at all, I think—”

“Jeff left me. ”

Nina sat back abruptly. “What?”

Meredith couldn’t say it again. She shook her head, felt the sting of tears. “He’s living at the motel by his office. ”

“That prick,” Nina said.

Meredith actually laughed. “Thanks for not assuming it was my fault. ”

The look Nina gave Meredith was caring and compassionate, and Meredith knew suddenly why so many strangers opened up to her sister. It was that look, the one that promised to comfort and care, but not to judge.

“What happened?” Nina asked quietly.

“He asked me if I still love him. ”


“I didn’t answer,” Meredith said. “I didn’t answer. And I haven’t called him yet, haven’t gone after him or written him a passionate letter or even begged him to come back. No wonder he left me. He even said . . . ”


“That I was like Mom. ”

“So now I think he’s a prick and an asshole. ”

“He loves me,” Meredith said. “And I’ve hurt him. I could tell. That’s why he said it. ”

“Who gives a shit about his feelings? That’s your problem, Mere, you care too much about everyone else. What do you want?”

She hadn’t asked herself that question in years. She’d gone to the college they could afford, not the one she’d wanted; she’d married younger than planned because she’d gotten pregnant; she’d come home to Belye Nochi because Dad needed her. When had she ever done what she wanted?

Strangely, she thought about the early days at the orchard, when she’d started the gift shop and stocked it with things she loved.

“You’ll figure it out, Mere. I promise. ” Nina came over and hugged her.

“Thanks. I mean it. You helped. ”

Nina sat back. “Remember that the next time I burn the hell out of the stove or leave a mess in the kitchen. ”

“I’ll try,” Meredith said, leaning forward to clink her glass against Nina’s. “To new beginnings. ”

“I’ll drink to that,” Nina said.

“You’ll drink to anything. ”

“Indeed I will. It’s one of my best traits. ”

For the next two days, Mom shut down, turned from quiet into stone-like, even refusing to come down for dinner. Nina would have been upset by it, and maybe even done something about it, but the reason was obvious. All of them were feeling the same way. As the days turned tonight and moved forward, Nina found herself unable even to think about the fairy tale.