Page 52 of Winter Garden

“But you don’t really know how to do that, do you, Meredith?”

Meredith fought the urge to roll her eyes. It was what Jeff said to her all the time. Was that really such a flaw? To do what needed to be done? “Can you get Dr. Burns on the phone for me, Daisy?”

“Of course. ” Daisy headed for the door.

A moment later, Daisy put through the call and Jim answered.

“Hey, Jim,” she said. “It’s Meredith. ”

“I expected you to call. I heard from Parkview today. ” He paused. “Nina?”

“Naturally. She’s seen The Great Escape one too many times. They don’t know when they’ll have another opening, and there’s no way we can afford live-in help. Can you recommend another nursing home?”

It was a moment before Jim said, “I’ve spoken to her doctor at Parkview, and with the physical therapist who worked with her. I also visited Anya once a week. ”

Meredith felt herself tensing up. “And?”

“None of us witnessed any significant confusion or dementia. The only time she got a little rattled was when that storm hit last month. Apparently the thunder scared her and she told everyone she needed to get to the roof. But a lot of the residents were upset by the noise. ” He drew in a deep breath. “Your dad used to say that Anya battled depression every winter. Something about the cold and the snow bothering her. That, plus the grief . . . anyway, bottom line: I don’t believe she is suffering from Alzheimer’s or even severe dementia. I can’t diagnose what isn’t visible to me, Meredith. ”

Meredith felt as if a huge weight had suddenly been placed on her shoulders. “Now what? How can I take care of her and keep her safe? I can’t run Belye Nochi and my own home and be there for Mom all the time. She was cutting herself, for God’s sake. ”

“I know,” he said gently. “I’ve made some calls. There’s a senior complex in Wenatchee that’s really nice. It’s called Riverton. She would have an apartment with a backyard that’s big enough for some gardening. She has the choice of cooking her meals or going to the complex’s dining room. There’s an opening in mid-June for a one-bedroom. I asked the manager to reserve it for you, but they’ll need a deposit quickly. Ask for Junie. ”

Meredith wrote it all down. “Thank you, Jim. I really appreciate your help. ”

“No problem. ” He paused. “How are you, Meredith? You didn’t look so good the last time I saw you. ”

“Thanks, Doc. ” She tried to laugh. “I’m tired, but that’s to be expected. ”

“You do too much. ”

“The story of my life. Thanks again. ” She hung up before he could say more. Reaching down to the floor, she picked up her purse and headed out of her office.

At Belye Nochi, she found Nina in the kitchen, reheating a pot full of goulash.

Nina smiled at her. “I’m watching it, see? No fire yet. ”

“I need to talk to you and Mom. Where is she?”

Nina cocked her head toward the dining room. “Guess. ”

“The winter garden?”

“Of course. ”

“Damn it, Neens. ” Meredith walked through the damaged dining room and went out to Mom, who was sitting on the iron bench. At least she was dressed for the cool weather this time.

“Mom?” Meredith said. “I need to talk to you. Can we go inside?”

Mom straightened; only then did Meredith realize how soft and rounded she’d looked before.

Together, neither touching nor speaking, they walked back into the house. In the living room, Meredith got Mom settled in a chair and then built a fire. By the time she was finished, Nina was with them, sprawled out on the sofa, with her stockinged feet propped on the coffee table.

“What’s up, Mere?” she asked, flipping through an old National Geographic. “Hey, here’s my shot. The one that won the Pulitzer,” she said, smiling, showing off the two-page spread.

“I spoke with Dr. Burns today. ”

Nina set the magazine aside.