"He lives in London. We only see each other on the weekends. For totally rocking sex, I might add. "

"Is that why you didnt answer when Mom called?"

"We were in the middle of it, but as soon as we finished, I started packing. "

"Im glad to see you have—oh, shit—priorities. " Kate was in the middle of another contraction when the door to her room opened again. The nurse was first, followed by her mother and Johnny. Tully stood back, let everyone get in closer. At some point the nurse checked Kates cervix and called the doctor in. He bustled into the room, smiling as if hed run into her at the grocery store, and put on some gloves. Then the stirrups came out and it was time.

"Push," the doctor said in an entirely reasonable, pain-free voice that made Kate want to scratch his eyes out.

She screamed and pushed and cried until as quickly as it had begun, the agony was over.

"A perfect little girl," the doctor said. "Dad, do you want to cut the cord?"

Kate tried to lift herself up, but she was too weak. A few moments later, Johnny was beside her, offering her a tiny pink-wrapped bundle. She took her new daughter in her arms and stared down into her heart-shaped face. She had a wild shock of damp black curls and her mothers pale, pale skin, and the most perfect little lips and mouth Kate had ever seen. The love that burst open inside her was too big to describe. "Hey, Marah Rose," she whispered, taking hold of her daughters grape-sized fist. "Welcome home, baby girl. "

When she looked up at Johnny, he was crying. Leaning down, he kissed her with a butterfly softness. "I love you, Katie. "

Never in her life had everything been so right in her world, and she knew that, whatever happened, whatever life had in store for her, she would always remember this single, shining moment as her touch of Heaven.

Tully begged for an additional two days off of work so that she could help Kate get settled in at home. When shed made the call, it had seemed vital, unquestionably the thing to do.

But now, only a few hours after Kate and Marah had been discharged from the hospital, Tully saw the truth. She was about as useful as a dead microphone. Mrs. Mularkey was like a machine. She fed Kate before she even mentioned she was hungry; she changed the babys handkerchief-sized diapers like a magician; and taught Kate how to breast-feed her daughter. Apparently it was not as instinctual a thing as Tully would have thought.

And what was her contribution? When she was lucky, she made Kate laugh. More often than not, though, her best friend just sighed, looking both remarkably in love with her baby and profoundly worn out. Now Kate lay in bed, holding her baby in her arms. "Isnt she beautiful?"

Tully gazed down at the tiny, pink-swaddled bundle. "She sure is. "

Kate stroked her daughters tiny cheek, smiling down at her. "You should go home, Tully. Really. Come back when Im up and around. "

Tully tried not to let her relief show. "They do need me at the studio. Things are probably a real mess without me. "

Kate smiled knowingly. "I couldnt have done it without you, you know. "


"Really. Now kiss your goddaughter and get back to work. "

"Ill be back for her baptism. " Tully leaned down and kissed Marahs velvety cheek, and then Kates forehead. By the time she whispered goodbye and made it to the door, Kate seemed to have forgotten all about her.

Downstairs she found Johnny slumped in a chair by the fireplace. His hair was a shaggy, tangled mess, his shirt was on backward, and his socks didnt match. He was drinking a beer at eleven oclock in the morning.

"You look like hell," she said, sitting down beside him.

"She woke up every hour last night. I slept better in El Salvador. " He took a sip. "But shes beautiful, isnt she?"

"Gorgeous. "

"Katie wants to move to the suburbs now. Shes just realized this house is surrounded by water, so its off to some cul-de-sac where they have bake sales and play dates. " He made a face. "Can you imagine me in Bellevue or Kirkland with all those yuppies?"

The funny thing was, she could. "What about work?"

"Im going back to work at KILO. Producing political and international segments. "

"That doesnt sound like you. "

He seemed surprised by that. When he looked at her, she saw a flash of remembrance; shed reminded him of their past. "Im thirty-five years old, Tul. With a wife and daughter. Different things are going to have to make me happy now. "

She couldnt help noticing that hed said going to. "But you love gonzo journalism. Battlefields and mortar rounds and people shooting at you. We both know you cant give it up forever. "