Tully kept her head down and stayed away from the gossip. No rumor mill was going to upset her chances for success. Instead, she kept the focus on her job. If she worked harder than anyone else, she might get a replacement shot on the early, early show, NBC News at Sunrise. From there, she was sure shed someday get a crack at the Today news nook, and from there, the world would be her oyster.

Eighteen hour workdays didnt leave her much time for a personal life but she still had Katie, even with all the miles between them. They spoke at least twice a week, and every Sunday Tully called Mrs. M. She told them both stories about work pressures and celebrity sightings and life in Manhattan; they responded with details about the new house Kate and Johnny had bought, the trip Mr. and Mrs. M. had planned for the spring, and—best of all—the news that Kate was pregnant again and it was going well.

The days passed like cards falling from a deck, so fast that sometimes they were just a blur of sound and color. But she was on her way. She knew that, and the knowledge kept her going.

Today, an icy cold late December one, just like each of the countless days that had come before it, she spent fourteen hours at the station, then headed tiredly home.

Down on the street, she was captivated by Rockefeller Center at the holidays. Even in the fading gray of an overcast evening, there were people everywhere, shopping, taking pictures of the giant Christmas tree, ice-skating in the seasonal rink.

She was about ready to start walking home when she saw the sign for the Rainbow Room and thought, What the hell? Shed been in New York for more than a year now, and although she had made a lot of acquaintances, she hadnt bothered with dating.

Maybe it was the Christmas decorations, or the way her boss had laughed at her when she asked for the holidays off; she wasnt sure. All she knew was that it was Friday night, only a few nights before Christmas, and she didnt feel like going to her quiet apartment. CNN could wait.

The view from the Rainbow Room was everything shed heard and more. It was as if she were on the bridge of some great mothership from the future, hovering over the multicolored magnificence of Manhattan at night.

It was still early, so there was plenty of seating at the bar and at the tables. She chose a table by the window, sat down, and ordered a margarita.

She was just about to order another one when the bar started filling up. Men and women from Wall Street and Midtown congregated in groups alongside overdressed tourists, commandeering the tables and chairs, lining up three deep at the bar.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

Tully looked up.

A good-looking blond man in an expensive suit smiled down at her. "Im tired of elbowing my way through the yuppies to get a drink. "

An English accent. She was a sucker for that.

"Id hate to think you were going thirsty. " She kicked the chair across from her out just enough for him to sit down.

"Thank God. " He flagged down a waiter, ordered a scotch on the rocks for himself and another margarita for her, then collapsed into the chair. "Bloody meat market in here, isnt it? Im Grant, by the way. "

She liked his smile and gave him one of hers. "Tully. "

"No last names. Brilliant. That means we dont have to do that whole exchanging of our life stories. We can just have fun. "

The waiter delivered the drinks and left them alone again.

"Cheers," he said, tipping his glass against hers. "The view in here is better than Id been led to believe. " He leaned toward her. "Youre beautiful, but I expect you know that. "

Shed heard those words all her life. Usually they meant nothing to her, bounced off her like raindrops on a metal roof, but for some reason, in this room, with the holidays approaching, the compliment was exactly what she needed to hear. "How long are you in town for?"

"A week or so. I work for Virgin Entertainment. "

"Are you making that up?"

"No, really. Its one of Richard Bransons companies. Were scouting U. S. locations for a Virgin Megastore. "

"I shudder to think what you sell. "

"How naughty of you. Its a music store, for starters anyway. "

She sipped her drink, eyeing him over the salted rim, smiling. Kate was always telling her to get out more, to meet people. Just now, it seemed like damned fine advice. "Is your hotel nearby?"

Part Three


Im Every Woman