Kate put a hand on his thigh to stop him. "Sit down, Marah," she said, surprised to hear how ordinary she sounded. "You, too, boys. "

The boys plopped onto the carpet like marionettes whose strings had been cut, landing in side-by-side heaps.

"Ill stand," Marah said, flinging her hip out and crossing her arms. She gave Kate the old youre-not-the-boss-of-me glare, and Kate couldnt help feeling a pinch of nostalgia.

"You remember when I went into the city on Friday?" Kate began, feeling the acceleration of her heartbeat and the slight breathlessness that accompanied it. "Well, I had a doctors appointment. "

Lucas whispered something to William, who grinned and punched his brother.

Marah looked longingly up the stairs.

Kate squeezed her husbands hand. "Anyway, theres nothing for you to worry about, but Im . . . sick. "

All three of them looked at her.

"Dont worry. Theyre going to operate on me and then give me a bunch of medicine and Ill be fine. I might be tired for a few weeks, but that should be about it. "

"You promise youll be okay?" Lucas said, his gaze steady and earnest and only a little afraid.

Kate wanted to say, Certainly of course, but such a promise would be remembered.

William rolled his eyes and elbowed his brother. "She just said shed be fine. Will we get out of school to go to the hospital?"

"Yes," Kate said, actually finding a smile.

Lucas rushed forward to hug her first. "I love you, Mommy," he whispered. She held on to him so long he had to wrench free. The same thing happened with William. Then, as one, they turned and went to the stairs.

"Arent you going to finish your movie?" Kate asked.

"Naw," Lucas said. "Were going upstairs. "

Kate glanced worriedly at her husband, who was already rising. "How about a game of basketball, boys?"

They jumped on the idea and all went outside.

Finally, Kate looked at Marah.

"Its cancer, isnt it?" her daughter asked after a long silence.

"Yes. "

"Ms. Murphy had cancer last year and shes fine. And Aunt Georgia, too. "

"Exactly. "

Marahs mouth trembled. For all her height and pseudo-sophistication and makeup, she looked suddenly like a little girl again asking Kate to leave the night-light on. Wringing her hands together, she moved toward the sofa. "Youll be fine, right?"

Stage four. Already spread. Caught it late. She put a lid on those thoughts. They could do her no good. Now was a time for optimism.

"Right. The doctors say Im young and healthy, so I should be fine. "

Marah lay down on the couch, snuggled close, and put her head in Kates lap. "Ill take care of you, Mommy. "

Kate closed her eyes and stroked her daughters hair. It seemed like only yesterday shed been able to hold her in her arms and rock her to sleep, only yesterday that Marah had curled into her lap and cried for their lost goldfish.

Please God, she prayed, let me get old enough that someday were friends . . .

She swallowed hard. "I know you will, honey. "