Kate didnt know which surprised her more: the question or the vulnerability in Tullys eyes. "Were friends. "

"Excellent. " Tully pulled a package of Twinkies out of her purse, then sat down beside Kate. "Now lets talk about makeup. You need help, and Im not being a bitch. Really. I just know about fashion. Its a gift. Can I drink your milk? Good. Thanks. Are you gonna eat that banana? I could come to your house after school . . . "

Kate stood outside the drugstore looking up and down the street for someone who might know her mom. "Are you sure about this?"

"Absolutely. "

The answer was slim comfort, actually. In the day theyd officially been friends, Kate had learned one thing about Tully: she was a girl who made Plans.

And todays plan was to make Kate beautiful.

"Dont you trust me?"

There it was, the big question. It was like rolling a Yahtzee: once Tully said it, Kate lost the game. She had to trust her new friend. "Of course I do. Its just that Im not allowed to wear makeup. "

"Believe me, Im such an expert your mom will never know. Come on. "

Tully walked boldly through the drugstore, choosing eye shadow and blush colors that were "right" for Kate, and then—amazingly—she paid for everything. When Kate said something, Tully said airily, "Were friends, arent we?"

On the way out of the store, Tully bumped her, shoulder to shoulder.

Kate giggled and bumped her back. They made their way through town and followed the river toward home. All the while, they talked about clothes and music and school. Finally, they turned off the old road and went down Tullys driveway.

"My gran would freak if she saw this place," Tully said, looking embarrassed. Rhodies the size of hot-air balloons covered the side of the house. "She owns this house, you know. "

"Does she visit you?"

"Nah. Its easier to wait. "

"For what?"

"My mom to forget about me again. " Tully stepped over a mound of newspapers and around a trio of garbage cans, then opened the door. Inside, the smoke in the room was thick.

Tullys mom was in the living room, lying on the sofa, with her eyes half opened.

"H-hello, Mrs. Hart," Kate said. "Im Kate from next door. "

Mrs. Hart tried to sit up, but obviously she was too weak to manage it. "Hello, girl from nex door. "

Tully grabbed Kates hand and pulled her through the living room and into her bedroom, then slammed the door shut. She immediately went to her stack of records, pulled out Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, and put it on the turntable. When the music started up, she tossed Kate a Tiger Beat and dragged a chair over to the vanity. "You ready?"

Kates nervousness came swooping back. She knew shed get in trouble for this, but how would she ever make friends or become popular if she didnt take a few risks? "Im ready. "

"Good. Sit down. Well do your hair first. It needs some highlights. This is exactly what Maureen McCormick uses. "

Kate looked at Tully in the mirror. "How do you know that?"

"I read it in last months Teen magazine. "

"Im guessing she goes to professionals. " Kate opened the Tiger Beat and tried to concentrate on the article ("Jack Wilds Dream Date—It Could Be You!").

"Take that back. I read the instructions twice. "

"Is there any chance Im going to end up bald?"

"Hardly any. Now be quiet. Im reading the instructions again. "

Tully separated Kates hair into strips and began spraying Sun-In onto the pieces. It took almost an hour to get it done to her satisfaction. "You are going to look like Marcia Brady when Im done. "