Page 19 of The Prettiest Woman

“I’m serious. Bianca is older now and I’m ready to finish my nursing degree. It’s going to be a huge adjustment but I spoke to Brian about it last night and he’s on board.”

“Mom is going to be so happy to hear that, have you told her yet?”

“No I’m going to tell her when I head over there today.”

“You’ve got to call me and tell me what she says. Since we’re sharing great news, I have a date tomorrow.”

“You mean you’re taking time from your busy schedule and giving a man a chance? He must be pretty special. Where did you meet him?”

“He’s really nice and I’m looking forward to it.”

“Umm, is there a reason that you just avoided my question?”

“I’m not ready to share that information yet. Just know that he’s nice, he’s hot and he’s white.” I mumbled.

“He’s what?”

“You heard me.”

“Wow, I never thought that I would see the day.”

“It’s time for something different.”

“Let me know how it goes and don’t spare any details.”

“I will, now tell me about what schools you’re looking at.”


Almost two hours later I was walking into the investment firm.

“Good morning Roxanne.” the perky receptionist said. Megan was blonde, beautiful and smart. I’ve seen people underestimate her and they’ve looked like complete fools because of it. Her tongue was sharp and she wasn’t afraid to use it.

“Good Morning Megan! Is Paul here? He said that he may have a meeting.”

“The meeting was pushed up by an hour so he should be in his office right now. Tread lightly; he doesn’t seem to be in the greatest mood.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure that I come bearing gifts.”

“Good idea.” she smiled. Before she could say anything else the phone rang and she took the call. I placed all of my belongings at my cubicle and went to the break room. I got Paul a raisin bagel with hazelnut cream cheese and a small black coffee. I walked to his office and knocked lightly on the door.

“Come in.” he said gruffly. He gave a slight smile when he saw me. “Good morning.”

“I’ve brought you your second breakfast.” I smiled.

“See, you know how to treat a man.” he laughed, “Come in and have a seat.”

“I don’t have anything write with. Should I go grab a pen and paper?”

“That won’t be needed.”


I really liked Paul. He was a pretty decent looking guy. He was white with an average build, a little under six feet, brown hair, nice smile and nice. He was a no nonsense kind of guy with a Type A personality, but you were fine as long as you stayed on his good side. I always made sure to go above and beyond the call of duty.

“So things are about to get a little interesting around here.”

“What’s going on?”