“That’s a weird fuckin’ thing to say after sex.”

I laughed and moved a little, feeling him twitch inside me. A gasp escaped my mouth and the smirk on Logan’s face was one of pure male satisfaction.

“I know that was weird, I’m sorry. Pillow talk, or… backseat talk, isn’t my strong suit. But I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately and she would have liked you.”

I rolled to the side and adjusted my clothes while Logan did the same, struggling to put my leggings on in the cramped seat of the car. How we’d managed to have sex in a car, I had no idea.

He leaned back, his fingers deftly buttoning and zipping his jeans back up. “Were you guys close?”

“She raised me.”

He froze, cocking his head to the side and staring at me. “You never told me that.”

“You never asked.”

“What happened to your parents?”

I shrugged my shoulders, picking at a piece of invisible lint on my leggings. “My parents were addicts. I haven’t seen either of them in almost twenty years, I don’t even know if they’re alive. But Gran? She was the best parent in the world. She was my best friend.”

“She died?”

“Yeah, about three years ago. Cancer. It sucked, you know? But she fought it for as long as she could. She was the strongest person I knew.”

Logan sat back and stared off into space, a thoughtful look on his face. He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth and then gave a curt nod. “That explains it then.”

My eyebrows rose. “Explains what?”

“Why you are the way you are. Resilient. Bossy. Strong women make strong women.”

My heart beat just a little faster at his compliment. I liked to think I was strong, but to hear it from someone else, someone that was dealing with their own personal struggles, meant so much to me. More than words.

“Speaking of which,” he said and tapped me on the nose. “Seeing you step up to Nicole like that was pretty sexy.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Well, yeah, that’s why you attacked me the second we got to the car.”

“No, I would have attacked you no matter what. But seeing you like that…” Logan trailed off with a whistle. “You’re a siren, babe.”

I laughed again and shook my head, his words really getting to me. I felt powerful and sexy, sated after such an intense orgasm and even more relaxed because of our conversation afterwards.

The tide with Logan was changing. Getting higher. Maybe I was drowning in him or downing in my newfound love of adventure, but one way or another the water rising. Fast.

Chapter 13

“So, do you like to eat raw cookie dough? Because I do and Knox always tells me I’m going to get salmonella.”

I was sitting on a stool in the kitchen of Abby and Knox’s adorable home while she rifled through the fridge and pulled out two packages of raw cookie dough. She was clad in a sweatshirt that I assumed belonged to her boyfriend because it was way too big, and a pair of leggings. She was effortlessly adorable and I could see right off the bat that she probably possessed the same charm as her older brother.

I had to admit that a part of me was nervous to accept Abby’s offer to hang out. It wasn’t that I didn’t like her because, truthfully, I had a feeling that she would be a great friend. But whatever was going on between me and Logan was still new, and I didn’t want him to think that I was invading his personal space by hanging out his his baby sister. I didn’t want him to think I was trying to wedge my way into his family because all of this was just as new to me as it was to him.

Logan and I were falling into a rhythm. I’d go to work, come home, bring the dogs for a walk and then spend the night at his place. He made dinner and we washed the dishes together after, then we’d sit down and watch a movie or he suffered through a special on Animal Planet just because he knew I liked it. But the night always ended with us naked in bed, or the shower. The floor. We even had sex on the stairs- I had the bruises on my back to prove it. He was attentive and intense and so beautifully overwhelming. It seemed as though after I’d opened up about Gran, Logan started opening up too. He finally told me a little more about his family. His mother’s drinking problem and his father’s virtual absence. We were connecting on a deeper, more intimate level.

“I mean, have you even lived until you’ve eaten raw cookie dough? I think not,” I responded and took a sip of my water.

“Thank you!” Abby tore open the package and started cutting the raw batter into small pieces.

I laughed and took a small piece as she slid the plate across the granite counter, popping it into my mouth. There really was something truly heavenly about it, I couldn’t explain it.

She sat down on the stool across from me, legs tucked underneath her. She chewed thoughtfully and then turned to me, a sheepish look on her face. “So, I have to admit there’s an ulterior motive to me inviting you over today. I think you’re great, of course, but there’s something I’m curious about.”