I wanted to ask him what kind of ideas he had, but I had a feeling I knew. I looked down at the boots for a second and had to agree that our thoughts were probably very similar.

Logan looked almost too good in his dark jeans and dark gray henley. The material stretched tight over his shoulders and across his chest. His hair was unruly as always, but he looked good.

“You look very handsome,” I said quietly as I pulled my jacket on.

He took a step forward and wrapped an arm around my waist, tugging me against him with little to no effort. “You look fucking edible.”

I laughed and shook my head, feeling light and flirty as he stroked one han

d up my back and pushed a wayward strand of hair behind my ear with the other. He was wearing cologne, something subtle and masculine that had me leaning into him a little more, my hands gripping his arms firmly.

“Behave. We’re going to see your family.”

He arched a brow and leaned from one side to the other, pulling me with him. It was almost like we were dancing, standing there rocking back and forth. “If I behave at dinner does that mean I can misbehave after?”

His words were playful, but I knew he wanted an answer to a question we’d been tiptoeing around for the last five days. There was something about Logan that drew me in. It was a strong pull that left me waiting and wanting. We’d be crossing a serious, severe line if we slept together and I didn’t want it to mean more to one of us than the other, although I already had a feeling that would be the case. I was catching serious feelings for this man. Did Logan feel the same way, or was it just about the chase?

“I’ll let you know,” I responded playfully because, truthfully, I didn’t have a definitive answer to give him.

The drive to his brother’s house was short. Robbie lived right on the water with a beautiful private beach that seemed to stretch on for miles. There was a winding path that would lead me into the sand dunes and the house looked warm and inviting. Old, wooden shingles and a beautiful front porch that Sadie would have loved to lay out on in the summer. If I thought it looked so beautiful in the dead of winter, I could only imagine how breathtaking it was in August.

Robbie, Logan’s older brother, was a phenomenal host. His hair was darker than both Logan and Abby and he wore it wrapped up in an elastic. Normally, I wouldn’t be attracted to man buns and long hair, but I had to admit that Robbie had a sort of Khal Drogo look to him, minus the scowl but much friendlier, and not quite as good looking as Jason Mamoa.

Who was as good looking as Jason Mamoa? No one.

Anyway, I quickly came to the conclusion that everyone in the Ashford family had been blessed with good genes, both physically and otherwise. Abby was sweet and funny and could throw back wine like a champion while Robbie was polite and gentlemanly. He gave off the aura that he was an alpha, and I couldn’t help but notice that his eyes were glued to Abby’s friend, Simone. I couldn’t blame him. She was stunning and exotic looking, the kind of person who looks like they breathe sunshine wherever they go.

“And then Logan says, ‘I left the meth in the car’.” Abby sobbed with laughter and everyone else broke into a fit of hysterics around the table, including myself.

Logan laughed, too, and shook his head before trying to defend himself. “She wouldn’t back off! She called you fat!” he responded, which only caused everyone to laugh even more.

I learned a lot about Logan. I learned that he broke his arm when he was twelve and then his leg three months after that. He got busted for drinking his dad’s scotch when he was fifteen and puked on the floor in the living room. He and Knox had a strong distaste for each other when Abby left, but had since come to terms with their issues and pushed them aside for her sake. Just looking at the way they were talking at the table, I never would have assumed that they used to hate each other.

Logan was sweet. He was protective and generous and didn’t love anyone or anything more than his siblings. I was getting the vibe that he and Robbie sort of raised Abby based off of the comments that he made about their mother and the face Robbie made at the mention of their dad. There was an animosity there, I could feel it. Especially since I knew what it was like to be disappointed by the people who gave me life.

“So, you got a criminal record?” Knox asked me from across the table. He had an arm draped around Abby’s shoulders and she was snuggled into his side.

Confused, I shook my head. “No. Why do you ask?”

He pointed at Logan. “Hang around with him and you’ll have one soon enough.”

Logan flipped him off and laughed, chugging back the rest of his beer. “Watch it, Fitz. The only reason you’re here right now is because I’m allowing it.”

“Right, Lo. You’re the big man on campus.” Abby snorted before turning towards me. “He’s very protective, but I have a feeling you already know that.”

Logan’s thigh pressed against mine under the table and I smiled. “I’d say he’s a little overprotective.”

“True. But he only does it because he cares. Trust me.”

She met my eyes across the table and I saw something there. I couldn’t explain it, but I felt a kinship to Logan’s sister. I had a feeling she knew all about the inner turmoil I was facing. I didn’t have to try to explain myself, Abby just understood.

We talked and laughed over lasagna, wine and the most delicious french bread I’d ever eaten in my life. It was light, fluffy, and I was eating way too much of it, but I didn’t care. I was genuinely, honestly having the time of my life just letting loose and blowing off steam in a healthy way. I forgot how good it felt to interact with people, to be social and form bonds. It was exhilarating.

“Cake!” Simone said after Knox took the last bite of his food. He was still chewing and gave her a wide eyed look before shaking his head.

“Come on, it’s chocolate. You’re favorite,” Abby said and then leaned a little closer, whispering something in his ear that had him smirking and giving her a heavy lidded expression that was filled with so much heat I had to fight the urge to fan myself.

“What about you, J? Hungry for more?” Logan asked, his arm draped over the back of my chair and his fingers stroking my clothed shoulder.