Chapter 9

F our days later, I was still spending my nights in Logan’s bed. I’d go to work, come home from work, get whatever I needed from my place and then rush over to his for dinner. I hated to admit it, but I was getting comfortable at his place. I knew my way around the kitchen and had showered multiple times in the master bathroom that was decked out with a glass enclosed shower and a decent sized bathtub. We worked around each other in the mornings and I’d make the coffee while he buttered the toast, lifting his arms whenever I needed to move past him or squeezing my ass as I stretched up to get the coffee mugs.

Even Sadie seemed settled with Mac. Her dog bed was next to his and I’d even seen her resting her head on Logan’s knee while he scratched the top of her head. She’d taken a liking to him when I never thought she would, and I had a feeling the thought was mutual. Mac, however, was rambunctious and wild, slamming his body into the book shelves and trying to steal bacon off Logan’s plate.

There had been no more kissing, something that I was both happy and disappointed about. I thought about his lips on mine all day and the way he gently cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes. Logan was the most intense person I’d ever known and I had a feeling that it would drown me. But, man, what a way to go, right?

But kissing him, dating him, falling for him would be a terrible idea. We needed to be smart, responsible adults and conduct ourselves as such. Which is what I kept telling myself as I sat on the couch and watched the news as he entered the living room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

I tried to focus on the tv and my hand was gripping my water bottle so tight it made a crackling noise. His blonde hair was wet and shoved back, scruff coating his chin and cheeks as droplets of water dotted his collarbones and rivulets ran down his chest.

“Hey, have you seen the jeans I was wearing earlier?”

“Laundry room,” I said and pointed to the small, closet sized room off the kitchen. My eyes stayed glue to the tv and I could hear the smile in Logan’s voice as he spoke.

“You seem really into the commercials. Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“Nope. Why would you make me uncomfortable?”

“Because I’m pretty much naked and you have a blush that’s going down your shirt.”

I felt my cheeks- the traitors- heat even more and shrunk down lower into the couch cushions before shooting a glare in his direction.

The smirk that rested on his face was one of pure, male satisfaction and a feeling settled low in my belly. He disappeared into the small room and reappeared a minute later, looking down as he buttoned and zipped his jeans. I couldn’t help but notice that he wasn’t wearing boxers and my thighs clenched. Totally commando.

“I’m so fucked,” I whispered to myself and shook my head.

“What was that?” Logan asked with the ghost of a smile.

I hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but I was sure that he couldn’t have heard me from across the room.

“I asked you if you were going out.” I lied.

“We’re going out. My brother’s having a thing over at his place tonight and he invited us. It’ll be fun. You do know what fun is, don’t you?”

I made a face at him and sat up, looking down at my baggy sweatpants and tshirt. “What am I supposed to wear? I need to go home and get stuff.”

I also wanted to bail, but I wasn’t going to say that. Meeting his siblings seemed like a big deal, although, technically, I already met Abby. Would they think we were dating or would they assume I’m just his flavor of the week? Did anyone even say flavor of the week anymore? Questions were flying through my head one after the other, but all I really wanted to ask was if it was a date. I hadn’t been on one of those in so long I couldn’t even remember what it felt like to get ready for a night out.

“You’ll look great in whatever you wear,” he said and walked a little closer, reaching out and sliding his fingers down my arm. “I’ll come and get you soon.”

He helped me into my jacket and I slipped my boots on. I was opening the door when Logan placed his palm against it, effectively keeping it closed. I turned to give him a questioning look when he leaned down, his nose brushing mine. “And Juliette?”


“You’re right, you’re so fucked.”

FORTY FIVE MINUTES LATER, I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup when there was a knock at the door. I gave myself a once over in the full length mirror that hung on the wall in my room. I’d finally decided on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and black leather boots that ended just above my knee, a slight heel to give me some height. I wore a light gray cashmere sweater and wore my red hair in a messy bun. Trying to keep the makeup simple, I’d only used some blush, mascara and a light pink lip.

I felt feminine. Sexy. Something I hadn’t felt in a long time.

It felt good to be going out and having fun, though completely different from my normal routine. I was going to be social, have a few drinks. Had I done that in the last three years? The fact that I couldn’t remember should have scared me, but more than that it was saddening. What kind of life was I living where all I did was work and stay inside with my dog? That couldn’t even be considered a life. It was just… surviving. Getting through the day. There was never any adventure and never anything exciting. No spontaneity. It was simply a means to an end. Why I deprived myself of fun, human interactions, I had no clue. But I was determined to stop that starting tonight. Even though I was so nervous my stomach was cramping and I kept asking what if’s in the back of my mind.

You’re going to be fine. You are Juliette Foster, dammit.

I smiled at my reflection before carefully stepping down the stairs and opening the door, where Logan went to say hello and instead looked me up and down. He gave a low, appreciative whistle and then nodded his head, laughing when I blushed.

“Fuck, you look beautiful. Those boots… those boots are giving me ideas.” He followed me into the house as I went to turn off the lights.