Abby and I stood there for a few awkward, tense moments, both of us looking around and not making eye contact. Finally, she cleared her throat and I looked at her through my lashes, taking a small sip of what was possibly the nicest cabernet I’d ever had.

“So, um, about last week…” she started.

I waved my hand, really not wanting to get into it. “It’s fine. Really. I understand.”

She adamantly shook her head. “No, it isn’t okay. I never should have reacted like that. Of course it wasn’t your place to tell me what was going on with Logan and I shouldn’

t have acted like it was. The both of you must have felt so attacked by me, by Robbie. Our mother.”

“Abby, really. It’s fine. Logan was keeping secrets for a really long time and then he unloaded a lot of stuff on you guys that day. I’m sure it was overwhelming. I don’t blame anyone for their reaction.”

She bit her bottom lip. “So, are we okay? You don’t hate me?”

“Of course I don’t hate you!”

She put her glass down and hugged me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and squeezing tight. “I really like you, Juliette. I think you’re really good for my brother.”

I smiled, my cheeks heating. “Thanks. He’s… he’s really special.”

We made small talk after that, laughing and drinking as she introduced me to some of her family members. Simone was there, looking beautiful in a long silver gown with a black velvet shawl over her shoulders and not a stitch of makeup on her face other than a deep red lip. She was so effortlessly beautiful, smiling and talking to everyone.

Everyone other than Robbie.

I was trying to find the bathroom when I nearly walked into Genevieve, who looked beautiful in a green wrap dress with her hair pulled up in a twist. She regarded me coolly and I straightened my shoulders, preparing for her to tell me to get the hell out of her house.

But she didn’t.

“You look nice.” she remarked and looked me up and down, taking note of the dark blue sweater dress I wore.

“Thank you,” I responded quietly. “So do you.”

“You’re here with Logan, I assume?”

“Yes. He’s around here somewhere.”

“I saw him.” Genevieve pointed somewhere behind her. “I saw that he had a cane.”

I nodded my head, my heart beating just a fraction faster.

She sipped her wine thoughtfully and looked around. I didn’t know if that was my cue to be dismissed, so I stayed where I was, looking out at the crowd with her.

Genevieve eventually drained her glass and then cleared her throat. “I don’t believe my son would have told me the truth if it weren’t for you.”

I paused. That was the last thing I expected her to say. How was I supposed to respond to that? I was expecting an argument, and the woman standing before me was not the same woman who had accused her son of being a drug addict just days before. I was caught off guard, wondering if it was a trap when she started speaking again.

“He’s always been a bit wild, that one. Logan was never a follower, always a leader. You definitely can’t tell him what to do.”

“No, you can’t.” I agreed.

“You’ve changed him,” Genevieve said and looked me in the eye. They were the same exact color as Logan’s and it took my breath away. She really was a beautiful woman. “I can see it in the way he looks at you. He’s different.”


“And I may not like the way you spoke to me the other day,” she continued, talking over me. “But you make him happy. You keep him grounded. That’s all I care about.”

I didn’t know what to say. “Well, good. That’s all I care about too.”

Genevieve gave me the ghost of a smile and then nodded curtly. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Juliette.”