“You know, I think if you didn’t pull that shit with Nicole, me and you could have been friends,” Conlon said conversationally.

I rolled my eyes.

Logan gave a hollow laugh. “I’d rather drown in a pool of my own fuckin’ blood.”

Conlon laughed and it actually sounded genuine. I hated it. Hated how scratchy and raspy his voice sounded every time he opened his ugly mouth.

“You know what I think?” he asked. “I think we’re not so different, you and I. You like having control, so do I. You like getting your way, so do I. I mean, fuck, I bet we even like the same movies.”

I heard footsteps and what sounded like a lighter, for once wishing I actually had x ray vision so I could see what the hell was going on out there. I hated being out of the know, especially when my life actually, literally, depended on it.

“You know what I think?” Logan’s response was so low I barely heard it. “I think your bullshit opinion amounts to a drop of piss in a rusty bucket. So, let’s get this shit over with. I’m done playing nice with you.”

“Careful how you talk to me, kid. Or I’ll put a fucking bullet in your girlfriend’s pretty head.”

My jaw clenched as fear lanced through me. I knew there was no way Conlon was actually going to let me and Nicole walk out of here. Even though Logan showed up with Mac just like he’d told him to, things wouldn’t be that easy, and I wasn’t naive enough to think that they would be. Which was why I had to believe that Logan had a plan. A real plan that didn’t involve anyone getting shot or leaving in a body bag.

As if God, or maybe even Satan, heard my prayers, a shadow bounced off the wall across the room and I looked up, startled, as I tried to peer out the window. Pushing to my feet, I gripped the towel rack for leverage and came face to face with my guardian angel, a dusty window pane separating us.


“Oh my God,” I whispered and then lightly kicked Nicole in the thigh, feeling bad when she winced. You’re going to see the best doctor when we get out of here, I thought absentmindedly as I tugged at my restraints.

“What?” she hissed in response.

“Stand. Up.” I hissed quietly as Ronald nodded at me through the window.

I nodded back as the hallelujah chorus broke out in my head. I knew Logan had a plan! I knew there was more to him just showing up with Mac. He hadn’t come alone. He came with his partner in crime to get all of us the hell out of here as safely as possible.

God, I fucking love that man.

Ronald put his glove clad hands on the window and tried to push it up, but it didn’t budge because there was a piece of wood holding it closed on the inside. But my hands were tied and there was no way I could actually reach the piece of thin, faded wood from where I stood.

“Who is that?” Nicole asked warily as she stood.

“Ronald,” I responded, distracted as I tried to come up with a plan. But then I looked at her, saw the fear in her eyes as she looked at the strange man who was looking right back at us, and softened. “Hey, you can trust him. I promise.”

She hesitated and then nodded her head. “If you say so.”

“Switch places with me.” I finally decided. “Go under my arms and stand closer to the door. I have an idea.”

She maneuvered under me as I listened for any sounds in the other room while Ron looked around outside. The snow was coming down hard and his hat was covered in the soft white fluff as I tried to stretch my arms up. Switching places with Nicole had given me a better angle, but I still couldn’t reach. My heart was pounding and I was sweating, trying to slide the rope up my forearms. But it was so damn tight and it hurt so much.

“Hurry,” Nicole whispered as she bounced on the balls of her feet, looking over her shoulder at the door as Conlon and Logan’s loud voices reached my ears.

“I’ll shoot you, Ashford! I swear to fucking God, I’ll shoot you!”

I froze, my heart slamming so hard against my ribs I was sure Nicole could actually hear it. He couldn’t shoot Logan. No. Focus, Juliette, focus. I took a deep breath and then turned back to the task at hand, shoving my arms up, uncaring of the fact that there was blood literally dripping down my arms, the skin of my wrists beginning to peel with the force of my yanking. I was so close, so fucking close to reaching that stupid piece of wood, the tips of my fingers touching it.


I managed to knock it out of the way and it clattered to the ground. I listened for a second, silently praying that Conlon hadn’t heard anything. But when the yelling continued, Ronald shoved the window up and leaned in, flashing a pearly white smile.

“My hero,” I crooned in my best southern accent as he gave a low chuckle and whipped out a pocket knife.

Nicole jumped back, eyes wide when she saw the shiny metal in his hand.

“It’s okay,” I whispered. “He’s just going to cut us loose.”