“Are you almost done? I’m not trying to be rude, lady, but this storm is coming in fast and my manager told me I could close. So…”

He trailed off and I had to bite back my laughter. It was clear he was eager to close up and get the hell home, so I didn’t waste my time gathering up the things I needed before heading to the register.

“It’s pretty nasty out,” I remarked as I glanced out the storefront window. “Make sure you buckle up when you drive home.”

I turned back just in time to see the young man roll his eyes. I raised my eyebrows and he blushed, knowing he was caught.

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly as he bagged my items. “It’s just been a long day and now I’m going to have to go home and shovel. My dad can’t help because he just had surgery on his knee, so it’s going to take me a while.”

Poor kid, I thought wryly. Wait until he’s an adult and has to do everything on his own. I was struck with an idea and I held up one finger and jogged down an aisle quickly. I grabbed two candy bars and some kind of mocha iced coffee that looked like it was filled with sugar, the kind that kids drink in high school because they hate the taste of actual coffee.

I watched as he rang them up and then stopped him as he went to put them in a bag. “Those are for you.” I smiled.

He looked stunned. “What? Why?”

I grabbed my bags and shrugged. “Because you have a long night ahead of you and, aside from the eye roll, you seem like a good kid. Plus, you look like you need the energy. Shoveling is a real bitch.”

The boy laughed and then nodded his head. “Thank you!” he yelled after me when I walked out the door. “Drive safe!”

I smiled all the way to the car, in a good mood despite the ugly weather that was heading our way. The snow was already getting heavier and sticking to the pavement, a sure sign that the storm would arrive sooner rather than later.

I had just loaded the groceries into the backseat when I realized something didn’t feel right. I didn’t know what it was, couldn’t explain it. But a shiver ran down my spine and the voice in my head was screaming at me to get in the car, lock the doors, and get the hell out of there.

Not one to ignore my gut, I had just slammed the back door when someone cleared their throat.

I whipped around, my heart beating frantically in my chest.

There stood Greg Conlon looking every bit the creep that he was. He was leaned against his dark car, one foot propped up on the tire as he crossed his arms and stared at me coldly. His hair was greasy and the stubble on his face indicated that he hadn’t shaved in more than a few days.

My heart was pounding painfully against my ribs and I wanted to kick my own ass for not just going straight home.

“I’m sorry, did I scare you?” he asked with a humorless laugh. “You looked so happy, I wanted to watch you for a minute. Watch that pretty smile and those big eyes.”

“What do you want?” I asked, my voice shaking. I hated that I was scared, didn’t want to give him that much power over me.

He flashed me a grin and the scent of cigarettes was coming off him in waves. “I want to make a point.”

He wanted to make a point. To me. To Logan. To Nicole. It didn’t matter, but the underlying threat did and I was itching to get home.

The roads were dead. I was the only one in the parking lot. Neither of those were good things.

Without another word to him, I quickly turned and threw open the driver’s side door.

But, unfortunately, that was all I was able to do because then Conlon was on me, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking my head back, my scalp screaming in pain as he tugged me backward. So I did the only thing I could do.

I screamed.

I screamed so hard I thought my throat was bleeding and when Conlon cupped his hand over my mouth, I bit him. Hard.

He howled and then yanked my head farther back before shoving my whole body forward, my forehead connecting with the harsh metal of my car.

I dropped to the ground.

My world went black.

Chapter 18

P ain.