To this day, though, I cringe everytime I see that birthday cake vodka. It was cheap, burned my throat and gave me one banger of a headache.

My phone began vibrating against the fluffy white towel that it lay on, and I dried my hand before picking it up, seeing Abby’s name flash across the screen. Ever since that day at the house, we’d been texting back and forth.

“Hello?” I answered.

“We want Mutt and Allistair.”

Well, that made me sit up straight. “You want two dogs?”

“Yeah. I mean, is that allowed?”

“Of course! I just, I just didn’t know that you were planning on doing that.”

I heard some shuffling and a few curse words before she began talking again. “We definitely weren’t planning on doing that, trust me. But the second Knox saw Allistair, he was all over him. They’re kind of the same, you know? A little grumpy, super adorable.”

Adorable wasn’t the first word I’d use to describe Knox. Intimidating, maybe. Manly, definitely. Adorable? Not so much.

I laughed anyway. “And I’m assuming you felt some sort of kinship to Mutt?”

Abby made a loud noise in the phone and then began talking a mile a minute. “Oh my God, he was so sweet! He fell asleep on my lap and he ran circles around Alistair. The poor dog just sat there while Mutt ran around like someone lit a fire under his ass.”

“Like you and Knox, I’m guessing?”


I laughed and gave the appropriate responses as she said that she and Knox filled out applications for both dogs and left them with Rose, who would give them to me when I went into work on Monday. We talked for a few minutes about adoption fees and what they’d need in order to pass a house inspection. Her excitement was palpable, and I could even hear Knox talking in the background about how he’d get started on having a fence put up in the front yard.

I’d just hung up the phone when I heard the sound of the front door being unlocked before Logan’s heavy steps entered the house. “J?” he called out.

“Up here!” I said and began draining the water from the tub, wrapping a towel around me and stepping out onto the tile floor.

Logan appeared in the doorway a minute later wearing exhaustion and his leather jacket, hair disheveled. “Well, don’t you look nice.”

I smiled and tilted my chin up as he leaned down for a kiss, cupping my face in his hands as he slanted his mouth over mine.

“I was hoping to catch you up here naked. I’m pretty sure I left that in the note.”

“Oh, you did and, fortunately for you, all I’m wearing is this towel.”

His fingers hooked into the place where I’d knotted the material over my breast and he tugged, letting it pool at my feet. I watched as he took a step back, his eyes raking over my naked, flushed body.

When he tiled his head back and groaned, I laughed. “You know, you are allowed to touch me.”

Logan’s heated gaze traveled down my body and back up again before landing on my face. “I would love nothing more than to spend the rest of the day touching and licking every inch of you. But I, uh, I brought my work home with me.”

My eyes nearly bugged out of my head as I leaned down and grabbed my towel, holding it against my chest. I reached out and smacked Logan on the arm. “What the hell? Why would you take my towel off if there’s someone here?”

“Because I like you naked,” Logan responded, as if it were obvious. “Get dressed and come downstairs, okay? I need your help.”

My ears perked at that and I followed him into the bedroom where I quickly shimmied into a pair of leggings and a thermal. “You need my help? With what?”

Logan shrugged and threw his hands in the air. “I don’t know, chick stuff. The girl wigged out halfway here and I can’t find anything to talk about. We’re bringing her to Woodstock in a bit and from there my friend will put her in rehab. Out of state. Away from her sister.”

I was asking rapid fire questions as I watched him pull a wad of cash out of his jacket pocket before going over to his closet. There was a safe in there- I saw it when I snooped- and he quickly unlocked it before tossing the money inside. “Woodstock? As in, we’re driving her to Vermont? Her sister got her hooked on drugs? How much money was that?”

I didn’t mean to ask that last question, but so what? If I was going to be taking a three hour drive to Vermont, Logan was going to answer me.

I gritted my teeth as he rolled his eyes before coming to stand in front of me, his hands on my shoulders. “Yes, Vermont. Yes, her sister is a piece of work. Started off as a dealer and got hooked fast before pushing it onto Melanie. That was two grand. Her parents will pay me the other half after I get her out of the state and away from her sister.”