Logan slanted his mouth over mine, tucking my top lip between both of his. One hand cupped my cheek and the other slid down, gripping my denim clad hip. His movements were slow as he tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss, his tongue licking at the seam of my lips. I gasped and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth deep, so deep that I couldn’t help but moan against him, my breath mingling with his.

I could have stopped it if I really wanted to. I could have placed my hands on his hard chest and pushed him away. But I didn’t. Because I was spiraling out of control as our tongues tangled and I was losing my mind as I felt him grow hard against me. Logan was right, he was going to make me lose control, but he had no idea about the fire he was igniting within me. He had no idea how many nights I’d gone to sleep fantasizing about his lips on mine and his hands tearing my clothes from my body.

He had no fucking clue.

I stood up on tiptoe and pressed myself harder against him, my hands fisting in the soft material of his hoodie. Logan growled into my mouth, nipping at my bottom lip with his teeth hard enough to make me cry out. I felt him smirk against my lips before he was back at it again, sucking my tongue in a way that was so erotic it had my knees threatening to buckle.

A kiss. That was all it was and it had me on the verge of coming so hard I couldn’t see straight.

“You want to know what I’m going to do?” he asked me but continued to talk before I had the chance to give him a breathless answer. “I’m going to sit your pretty ass on this desk and eat you like I haven’t eaten in days.”

My hips involuntarily jerked against him and he gave a low, dangerous laugh, his hands sliding down to cup my buttocks. “Logan…”

“I think you can say my name louder than that, don’t you?” he whispered, lips trailing down my jaw to the slender column of my throat. “I can feel your pulse, you’re all worked up.”

It was true, I was all worked up and could barely bring enough oxygen into my lungs to take a breath. I felt as though I was vibrating against him and it would have been embarrassing if I wasn’t already so far gone. But I was too lost in the taste and feel of him to care.

“Juliette!” a voice that was way too feminine to be Logan’s called out.

I jerked back and pushed him at the same time, hearing footsteps come closer and closer to the closed door. Logan looked wild, untamed as his chest rose and feel with the deep breaths he was pulling in. I was sure that I had a similar, if not identical, look as Violet walked in without knocking.

“Hey, Rose just- uh,” she looked between me and Logan, eyes narrowed. “Everything okay here?”

“Perfect,” we responded in unison.

Chapter 8

W hy did I do that? I thought for the umpteenth time that night, sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in my lap. My cheeks flamed every time I thought about the way my mouth fit perfectly against Logan’s.

My mind had been scattered for the rest of the day. Logan left soon after, but not before telling me he would stop by tonight. Violet’s eyes were filled with unspoken questions and mirth as she looked between the both of us. I couldn’t believe I’d lost it like that. So wrapped up in another human being, an all consuming ache that I needed to have him under me, over me, wrapped around me and inside me. Logan had dominated those tantalizing few minutes. If Violet hadn’t walked in then I was positive I would have let him fulfil his dark promise of placing me on my desk and allowing his wicked tongue to have its way with me.

I shook my head, breathy as I once again got wrapped up in thoughts of him. My control was slipping and I felt like I was falling. This was uncharted territory and I was so out of my element.

“Why did I do that?” I asked Sadie as she slept on her bed that was next to the small couch I had.

She simply snorted and rested her head against her front paws.

A part of me wanted to shut things down with Logan. Fast. It would be a complication neither of us needed and I knew for a fact that he didn’t have any problem picking up women and taking them home. I was plain, I was content in my quiet life and I didn’t want to get wrapped up and catch a case of the feelings for someone who could and would eventually hurt me. Logan was fun, incandescent in a way that was almost scary, and loved adrenaline in a way that I certainly did not.

But there was another part of me, deep down and usually locked and deadbolted and chained away so that no one could get to it, that wanted all of that with Logan. The sense of adventure, of letting go. There was a part of me that craved him and wanted him. It scared me as I thought about throwing caution to the wind with a man who gave me such a rush. But it was oh so tempting to do it anyway. A part of me felt fiery and alive whenever I had an encounter with him. It didn’t matter if we were arguing or kissing or eating breakfast at his kitchen table. There was something there. So why not explore it?

I was so mixed up about it that at first I didn’t hear hushed, angry voices outside. I was staring off into space when someone spat out of river of expletives and then I was moving the thin, silver curtain aside.

Two silhouettes stood on the dock, one very familiar and one not. I watched as Logan stood with his back straight, visibly tense as he squared off against a man who was shorter and stockier. Their voices were hushed and I couldn’t hear what was being said, but based on the tight set of Logan’s perfect mouth it wasn’t a pleasant conversation.

What possessed me to get up and go to the door, I have no idea. But all of a sudden I was yanking on my beat up adidas and opening the front door, letting the chill from outside wrap around me.

It was dark out and the ocean looked black and dangerous as it slapped against the dock, an eerie soundtrack to whatever was unfolding with Logan. Even though it was past eight and the sky was dark I saw when his eyes met mine over the man’s shoulder. I opened my mouth to speak when he gave a subtle shake of his head.

Apparently, it wasn’t as subtle as either of us thought because soon enough the man was turning around and looking at me. He couldn’t have been older than thirty and he had a thick, tree trunk like neck. His skin was pockmarked, the angry look on his face making me wonder what I just stepped into.

He was one of Conlon’s buddies. I didn’t even have to ask, I just felt the tension in the air and knew.

“Why don’t you come over here, sweetheart? Let’s talk,” he said in a raspy, smoker’s voice.

“Jimmy, I’m not someone you want to fuck with. You should know that,” Logan said, his voice low and calm. Dangerous. “Juliette, go back inside. I’ll be over soon.”

He told me to go inside and I should have. But my feet felt cemented to my welcome mat and my eyes met his. I could see it, the barely controlled anger. He would be pissed if I didn’t liste