“Even more reason to call the cops,” Rose said with a raised voice. “You’re in danger!”

Logan stopped walking and stared her down. “Nothing is going to happen to Juliette.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I would never let anything happen to her,” he shot back, the finality of his tone leaving no room for argument.

Rose wasn’t satisfied with that answer but sat back anyway, eyeing him carefully. I sat there and watched the exchange, both of them staring each other down. Logan’s mouth was set in a grim line but there was a fi

re in his eyes. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I trusted him. Believed him when he said nothing was going to happen to me. He’d protect me, and I’d let him.

I watched as my friend stood and adjusted the hat on her head before she zipped up her jacket. She pointed a finger at me and gave me a serious look. “I love you and I’ll have my phone on me if you need to call. Don’t hesitate, understand?” After I nodded she turned and gave Logan a look. “Anything happens to her and I’m coming after you, Ashford.”

He nodded his head and gave a small smile. “I believe you.”

With nothing else to say, Rose left and Sadie followed after her knowing that it was time for lunch. And then it was just me and Logan. Alone. In my tiny, cramped office that barely fit my desk, chair, and small filing cabinet that I kept in the corner.

“Thanks for coming out here,” I said conversationally.

“Why were you blushing?”

I was taken aback and looked away, standing up and organizing the list of adoption papers on my desk. “I wasn’t.”

“You were.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Stop talking.”

“Make me.”

Make me. The two most sexually charged words in human existence. Oh, but I wanted to make him. I wanted to press my lips to his and shut up him so that I wouldn’t blush again. Or maybe I’d blush more. I wanted to feel his tongue slip into my mouth as he grabbed me by my hips and hauled me against him. I wanted to-

“Do I make you nervous?”

I finally met his eye and suddenly I couldn’t look anywhere else. I was frozen where I was, papers in a white knuckled grip in my hands.

Something had changed. The atmosphere, the air between us. It was thick and hazy and I was dizzy with need. Aching in a way that I knew only Logan could handle. It was throwing me for a loop, but then again life had been throwing plenty of curveballs lately so why stop now, right?

Slowly, I shook my head.

He took a slow, methodical step forward and tapped a finger against his chin. “I think I do. I think I throw you off your game and you don’t like it.”

“That’s not true,” I shot back, my lower back pressed against my desk.

Logan moved forward like a predator stalking its prey. “I make you feel like you’re losing control and you fucking hate it.”

He was closing in on me now and I was suddenly struggling to breathe. My pulse ratcheted up a few notches and, on an inhale, I caught a whiff of his shampoo. Musky and woodsy, it practically screamed Logan.

“You want to know a secret, J?”

“What?” I asked, breathless.

He suddenly turned very serious. “You make me feel like I’m losing control, too.”

“Logan-” I started and stopped when he cupped my cheek in one wide palm. He tilted my face up, his nose brushing mine. I could feel his breath on my lips and it was fucking intoxicating. “We can’t-”

“We can,” he interrupted me, his voice gravelly and dangerously low. “We’re going to, Juliette. I’m going to make you completely lose control. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

I was about to refuse, about to tell him that I absolutely would not lose control, but I barely had a chance to breathe before his mouth covered mine. And then he was kissing me and pressing his body against mine and I couldn’t think.