Jace peeled off a few hundred dollar bills and handed them to Annie. She accepted them and stood back while Jace crawled under the tarp pulling out the one blanket that was rolled tight.
Jace could feel that there was something in the blanket but he didn’t want to say anything in front of the girl.
“Just her blanket.” He said.
“Thank you Annie.” Wes said. “If she comes back.” Wes voice broke and he had to look away. Andy finished his sentence for him.
“If she comes back tell her Wes is looking for her okay?”
“I will.”
The three men began to walk off the lot and a small-wizened man hobbled up to them accompanied by a dog.
“You given money out for information about that girl?”
Wes wheeled on him and Andy grabbed his shoulder holding him back.
“Depends.” Jace said.
“I saw her get taken.”
The old man put his palm out indicating he wasn’t going to talk anymore until he got paid. Andy had to increase the pressure on Wes shoulder to hold him at bay; he was ready to tear into the old man.
Jace placed two fifties into the man's outstretched filthy hand.
“Thursday night. Charlie was barking and I went to get him and saw that girl hiding behind that there toilet.” The old man pointed at the port-o-potty on the other side of the fence.
“She got tackled and thrown into a car.”
Wes paled with the new information. Jace grit his teeth.
“What kind of car?” Andy asked.
“Big, new one.”
“What kind specifically?” Jace prompted.
“Don’t really know…” The old man wisely took a step back from Wes and looked at Jace. “But if you double this I’ll give you the plates.”
“Holy Shit!” Wes shot towards the old man who promptly hid behind Jace.
“You son of a bitch. Why didn’t you call the police?”
“Wes.” Jace said still maintaining his composure.
Jace gave the old man four more fifties. “I want the plates, the make and anything else and if I find out you know more than what you’re telling me I will personally come back and tear you apart.” Jace could be a bad ass when he wanted.
“Okay, okay sheesh. It was a black Cadillac, four doors. There was an orange sticker on the windshield up high. Bob-Tom-Fred – 5-6-1 that’s the plates. I can remember because I had friends by those names and it’s the month and year I went to Nam. The man had a shirt on with a little whale on it and the guard knew him good. I’ve seen the car a couple times before at the site. That’s all I got.”
Jace nodded and Andy remained next to Wes as they left the lot. Jace handed Wes the rolled up blanket and Wes instantly felt that there was something in side of it.
“I think it’s her phone man.” Jace said.
They got into the truck and Wes tore into the blanket pulling out Jo’s cell that was in a plastic bag that was inside of a paper bag. Wes scrolled through her pictures and found the video from Thursday night. Wes played it for the men.
“So they were stealing the new material and substituting inferior, less expensive stuff in its place.”